A dust jacket protects a book and promotes it with illustrations, author information, and taglines. Inside flaps provide valuable real estate for plot synopses and author biographies. Dust jackets can be made from paper bags or purchased in packs.
A dust jacket, also known as a dust cover or book cover, protects a book case from wear and tear. The case includes the front and back covers along with the spine. The dustjacket is paper with two flaps that fit between the front and back covers, wrapping around the spine to enclose the entire cover. The jacket is normally detachable and is typically covered in acetate, a transparent, thin, plastic-like material that increases longevity.
In addition to protecting a book, a professional dust jacket is also used to promote the book. The cover is typically illustrated and includes title and author. It could also contain a tagline: a short phrase intended to pique the interest of an aspiring reader by capturing the theme or tone of the book.
If the author has had a previous bestseller, the words “#1 New York Times Bestseller Author” may appear next to the author’s name. In fiction writing, an author’s name will adorn the top of the dustjacket if the author has had noted successes, with the book title printed in the center of the dustjacket or slightly below the center. The names of unknown or marginally successful authors appear at the bottom of the dust jacket, giving more attention to the title.
Even the inside flaps of a dust jacket provide valuable real estate. The front inside flap might contain a synopsis of the book’s plot or content. The back flap could continue from the front or provide personal information about the author in the form of a mini biography. The back cover typically lists snippets of praise from other well-known authors, critics, or media outlets, and may also have a plot synopsis. If this information appears on the back flap instead, the back cover may be illustrated with a professional photograph of the author.
Books can be protected by adding a dust jacket. For short-term use, such as on a school book, a dust cover can be made by cutting a large paper bag into a rectangle, making the height slightly taller than the book and the length slightly longer. The book should be placed approximately in the center and the top and bottom folded against the book, making a crease in each case. The book should then be removed and the top and bottom folded along the crease. After placing the book in the center, the paper should be folded over the book from left to right, with the book adjusted to bring the ends of the paper together. The end flaps should then be folded against the book cover, then folded flat and the book case, top and back covers, tucked into the flaps.
For longer protection and a nicer look, dust jackets can be purchased in packs. Some covers feature designs, while others are clear. Dust jackets for paperbacks are also available. Ready-made dust jackets need to be checked to ensure they are the correct size for the books they are intended to protect.