A feature request (RFC) is a strategy for companies to invite vendors to submit proposals for products they are interested in purchasing. It helps to focus efforts and evaluate vendors based on specific criteria. Vendors who comply with the request and go above and beyond may become the vendor of choice.
Often referred to as an RFC, a feature request is a strategy that allows companies and other types of organizations to invite vendors to submit proposals for products that the company is interested in purchasing. Typically, the feature request will describe not only the type of products desired, but also the uses and applications the company intends for the final product choice.
RFCs are an excellent means of focusing efforts to acquire desired business products, as only vendors who supply the type of product the company is looking for will be able to submit a proposal. Often, feature requests are organized in a way that dictates the standards that a vendor must meet to participate in the proposal process, and often specifies a specific format that must be used as part of the submission.
By controlling the structure of resource request responses, it is much easier for a company to evaluate each qualified vendor on the individual points contained in the document. Failure to comply with feature request terms, such as the option to rearrange sections to the satisfaction of the vendor, demonstrates an inability to respond to queries efficiently and capably and will often lead to disqualification of the vendor from the consideration phase of the process. .
The purpose of a feature request is to determine which products on the market will meet needs and wants with respect to some segment of the operational process. A feature request can be issued for virtually any type of product that is considered a major purchase. Typically, a company may choose to issue a resource request for high-value items such as custom operating or accounting software designs, equipment such as computer workstations, network servers, fax machines for multiple departments or locations, and printing devices. .
From a vendor perspective, receiving a feature request presents an opportunity to secure a profitable working relationship with a customer by responding to every point or concern presented in the feature request. Vendors willing to work within the perimeters defined by the document, and perhaps find ways to add a few extra perks that go beyond the company’s stated needs and wants in the right sections, will often become the vendor of choice.
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