A fighter pilot commands specialized aircraft, requiring high skill and advanced training. They may fly thousands of flights and experience combat intermittently. Ongoing training and practice are necessary to maintain and refine skills. Fighter pilots must remain in peak physical condition and adhere to a high standard of personal behavior. Jobs are available in civil aviation and military contractors.
A fighter pilot commands specialized aircraft used to support air operations and participate in air battles. Over the course of a career, a fighter pilot may fly thousands of flights and may experience combat intermittently, if at all, depending on global politics. This job requires a high degree of skill and advanced training. Pilots are military officers and have numerous career development opportunities. For those who choose to leave the service, jobs are available in civil aviation, as well as military contractors and consultants working in the aeronautical sector.
To become a fighter pilot, it is usually necessary to have an undergraduate degree and attend flight school to receive training in military aircraft. This includes becoming familiar with not only the aircraft’s flight systems, but also the combat systems. They can vary between aircraft, but generally fighter pilots learn to control a variety of weapons equipment, along with radar and other detection systems, to help them identify targets and evade the enemy.
Much of the work requires ongoing training. Fighter pilots fly repeatedly and regularly to maintain and refine their skills. The job can include practicing a variety of individual and group aerial maneuvers so that pilots can work effectively as part of a team and on their own. A fighter pilot also needs to be familiar with operations such as in-flight refueling, handling emergencies and, in some cases, landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier.
Constant training and practice helps pilots prepare for combat operations, where they have to perform at their best in sometimes very stressful conditions. They coordinate with other members of a flight group as well as the commanding officers to determine destination priority and their flight schedule. They also need to be able to work with other members of the military who may be involved in an operation, from ground troops who want air cover to the commander in chief, who may use fighter pilots for deterrence, active combat, or support operations.
The job requires people to remain in peak physical condition. Like other officers, fighter pilots also need to adhere to a high standard of personal behavior as they represent their nations when in uniform and must consider public relations at all times. Pilots can be periodically transferred to new bases, and also need to prepare for deployment to support combat operations, as well as police actions, peacekeeping and other military activities. The armed forces may require continuing education in military aviation topics, adding a classroom element to a fighter pilot’s job.