Flavoproteins are proteins found in human and animal cells that contain riboflavin and are needed for cellular functions such as respiration. They are stable enzymes that stimulate chemical reactions. Vitamin B12 is essential for healthy cellular function and can be found in dairy products, mushrooms, beans, kale, and spinach. Supplements are available but should be taken with caution and under the guidance of a doctor.
A flavoprotein is one of many proteins found in human and animal cell structure. They contain a specific nucleic acid called riboflavin and are needed for a number of cellular functions, such as ridding cells of waste. When examined under a microscope, a flavoprotein is usually yellow, hence the prefix in the word: flavus translates to “yellow” in Latin. The other part of the term, protein, refers to the flavoprotein’s ability to perform specific and necessary biological functions.
In addition to ridding cells of waste, a flavoprotein also allows nutrients to enter a cell through its wall. This process of moving useful items into the cell and waste items out is called respiration. It’s a continuous process, much like breathing, during which needed oxygen enters the lungs, is processed, and exits the lungs as carbon dioxide. In the case of cellular function, a flavoprotein allows nutrients to enter a cell, helps the cell process them, and pushes waste back through the cell wall.
Scientists classify flavoproteins as an enzyme, or catalyst, for cellular functions. Enzymes are very stable molecular structures that hold together easily and help carry out the necessary chemical reactions. They are called catalysts because they quickly stimulate these reactions and can perform the same function many times without breaking down. The catalysts stimulate the start of a reaction, similar to a small match starting a larger bonfire. The match is only involved in the first spark of the fire, which usually doesn’t need any further stimulation to spread.
The nucleic acid that makes a flavoprotein work is riboflavin, a nutrient that is formed when the body absorbs vitamin B12. Riboflavin replenishes the nutrients in flavoprotein, making vitamin B12 essential for healthy cellular function. Without vitamin B12, cellular respiration can break down, allowing waste to collect within the cells. In extreme cases, this can kill an organism. However, most cases of vitamin B12 deficiency are minor and can cause symptoms such as fatigue and a general feeling of heaviness.
Those concerned about getting enough vitamin B12 in their diets should typically consume a healthy amount of dairy products and mushrooms, as well as all kinds of beans, kale and spinach. About one serving a day of any of these foods should keep your flavoproteins healthy and functioning. Individuals who have trouble consuming enough vitamin B12, such as people who are lactose intolerant, may want to try taking vitamin supplements. You can usually find B12 supplements in most grocery or discount stores, either sold individually or as part of multivitamin blends. Those interested in taking supplements should always consult their doctors for information on the correct dosage amounts.