What’s a flight risk?

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A defendant who is believed to be leaving the area to avoid prosecution is considered a flight risk. Factors such as ties to the community, past criminal history, and ability to escape are taken into account. Defendants with little ties to the area and recent convictions are more likely to flee. Defendants facing criminal charges with long sentences and an abundance of evidence against them are also considered high-risk. Low-risk defendants are usually released on their own recognizance, while high-risk defendants must post bail or remain in custody until trial.

A pretrial criminal defendant who is believed to be leaving the area to avoid prosecution is considered a flight risk. There are several ways a judge could determine this, including that person’s ties to the community and past criminal history. If it is ruled that the person may leave the area, a judge will usually only release him after bail is posted. If it is determined that he is a likely flight risk, he may not be released until after he has been tried.

Every court is different and so is every defendant. For this reason, determining whether a defendant is a flight risk is done on a case-by-case basis. Typically, for a defendant to be considered a flight risk prosecutor, prosecutors must show that he has no reason to hang around until the trial.

A defendant with little or no ties to the area is considered more at risk of flight. If he doesn’t work, live or have no family in the area or jurisdiction, he will often be considered more likely to flee. A person’s ability and desirability to escape also play a role in determining this. For example, defendants who are able to move easily, have the funds to leave the state or country, and have nothing to keep them in the area are often considered to be highly likely to flee.

Past criminal history also plays a role in determining whether a person is a flight risk. Individuals with recent convictions are generally considered to be more likely to flee. Additionally, if a defendant has failed to show up for past trial dates or has fled to avoid prosecution in the past, courts usually assume there is a good chance he or she will not appear again.

The specific criminal charge and the amount of evidence against a person is also taken into account. Defendants facing criminal charges with long sentences have more reason to flee the area than others who have been charged with misdemeanors. They would have even more reason to flee if there was an abundance of hard evidence against them.

Many first-time offenders charged with misdemeanors are often considered low-risk to fly. These defendants are usually released on their own recognizance, which means they are released in good faith. They are allowed to leave the custody of the law enforcement agencies holding them, provided they return for a future court appearance.
If it is determined by the court that a person could flee the area, a judge will usually ask him or her to post bail before they can be released. After paying the bail, he can leave. If he doesn’t show up at their trial, he loses the money he paid to the court, but if he shows up he will get it back. Most court systems require defendants to pay a large sum of money to ensure they return for court appearances. People who have failed to show up for court hearings or those who are otherwise considered highly likely to flee are often denied the opportunity to post this bail and must remain in custody until trial.

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