A flipchart is a presentation aid with a large pad of paper attached to the top edge. It can be used on its own or supported by tripods or easels. Pages are usually blank and text, graphics, and figures are added using markers or pens. Flipcharts can be used in various settings, including educational, business, art, and sports. The most common support system for a flipchart is the metal tripod or easel stand.
A flipchart is a chalkboard-like object with a large pad of paper attached to the top edge. Flipcharts can be used on their own or they can be supported by tripods or easels. While they can be used in many different ways, the most popular application is as a presentation aid.
The pages of a flipchart are usually blank and text, graphics and figures are added using markers or pens. Text, graphics, figures usually need to be large enough for audience members to see and interpret. If a presenter makes notes or draws on the pages as the presentation progresses, these additions should also be bold and large enough to be seen.
When using a flipchart, a presenter can manually flip the page as the presentation progresses. The presenter may have prompts on cards or lesson plans to advise them on when to move on. Also, when a page is flipped, the reverse side of the previously flipped pages can aid in the presentation. The back of these pages can be a small version of the audience-facing page to remind the presenter of what he or she is viewing. They may also have teacher notes written on them to help guide the presentation.
The most common support system for a flipchart is the metal tripod or easel stand. These stands can have up to four legs, two of which are intended to provide support for the flipchart block. Another type of flipchart stand system is a metal stand with wheels. This stand can have a flat base for placing the flipchart and up to two legs with wheels; the wheels, of course, make it easier to transport the flipchart. A teacher may choose to use a rolling stand if she teaches many classes.
However, some flipcharts can be classified as “standalone”. These charts are not supported by tripods or easels and have something resembling a triangular box to attach. The base of the triangular box is placed on a flat surface and the pages are flipped from the front of the box to the back. Flipcharts without the triangular frame can be viewed manually.
The applications for flipcharts are numerous. These charts can be used in educational settings as teaching aids, in business meetings to record idea ideas, in art classes as large sketchbooks, and in sports to record or diagram strategies. Flipcharts can also be used anywhere information changes and needs to be recorded frequently, such as in manufacturing plants.