A French press is a manual coffee maker that uses a plunger and mesh filter to make strong coffee with natural oils and flavors. It requires coarser ground coffee and a specific brewing temperature. It’s not ideal for storing coffee and is best used for making small amounts.
A French coffee press, also referred to as a press, or simply a French press, is a kitchen tool used to make coffee. It’s completely manual and doesn’t need to be plugged in, and it’s a great tool to use to make simple, delicious, strong coffee that retains more of the natural oils and flavors of drip coffee. A French press is shaped like a small pitcher and features a glass or plastic carafe with a plunger in the lid; attached to the plunger is a steel or nylon mesh filter to be used over and over again.
To make coffee in a French press, start with coffee beans or ground coffee. It’s generally best to grind the beans at home in a coffee grinder, because this type of coffee maker requires a coarser grind than a traditional drip coffee maker. Too finely ground coffee will pass through the filter, defeating the purpose of the coffee machine.
Add the desired amount of coffee to the bottom of the glass urn. A general rule of thumb is one tablespoon of ground coffee per 4 ounces of water, but this can be adjusted based on personal preference for stronger or weaker coffee. Next, boil water in a separate pot; after it boils, take it out for a few seconds to allow the temperature to drop to about 195 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit (90 to 96 degrees Celsius). This is the perfect temperature to brew coffee in a coffee press.
Pour the water slowly over the soil until the urn is full, then stir gently until all of the grounds are under water. Replace the lid, but do not push the plunger down. Let the coffee maker rest for a few minutes, usually about 3-4 minutes, in order to brew. Slowly press the plunger, which will separate the coffee from the grounds, by pressing all the grounds down. The coffee is now ready to be poured and enjoyed.
Since the rest of the coffee left in the carafe will continue to brew, a French press is not a good method for storing coffee before it can be consumed. The coffee will quickly become too strong and bitter, and is generally considered “bad” after about 20 minutes. For this reason, it’s a good idea to prepare only as much as you want at that time, or try to use the entire dish at once, such as at a dinner party. A French press is an excellent and inexpensive way to make great tasting, flavorful and simply brewed coffee.