Acquisitions can be friendly or hostile depending on whether the target company accepts or rejects the offer. Friendly acquisitions can be positive for all stakeholders, while hostile acquisitions occur when the purchasing company buys enough shares to gain control without approval. Negotiations can sometimes lead to a friendly acquisition, and not all hostile acquisition attempts are successful.
The acquisitions of the company can be lograr with cooperation and acceptance or negativity and a skin. Si ambas compañías acceptan la adquisición, se denomina adquisición amistosa. In a friendly procurement, company A, por ejemplo, would like to acquire company B. If the directory of company B is following the terms of the procurement, it calls it a friendly procurement. Sin embargo, si el directorio de la compañía B rechaza la oferta, la compañía A puede proceder de todos modi en lo que se conoce como una aquisición hostil.
It is easy to imagine that the acquisition of a business is always negative. Without embargo, this type of situation can be as positive in many cases. For example, a company can be presented with a fusion offer which is for the good of the company and beneficial for the stakeholders. In this case, the executive board of the company can be happy to accept the offer and submit it to the vote of the stockholders.
When a board of directors opens a bid, it is probable that the stockholders of the company also vote in favor of the friendly bid. Without embargo, the enthusiasm with which an offer is received, a menudo depends on the world of the offer of purchase. More low purchase offers can be met with more resistance.
Many acquisitions are considered friendly, but situations can also turn hostile. This usually happens when the executive board of the company does not open the offer or its shareholder votes against it. For example, the executive board of a company may believe that an offer will be demasiado baja or that an acquisition will be negative for the company and its stakeholders. When a procurement offer is requested, the purchasing company may force the procurement by purchasing sufficient shares from the other company to obtain control of the company, without the agreement or approval of the junta.
It is worth pointing out that a requested procurement offer cannot always lead to a hostile procurement. Sometimes, the two companies enter into negotiations until they connect to an account on which they can connect to an account. In other cases, the purchasing company alone may wish to acquire the company in friendly terms, so that it may follow closely when the offer is requested. Therefore, some companies that decide to proceed with a hostil acquisition will not obtain the control of the other company. For example, the buying company may not buy the knowledge of existence necessary for the hostil acquisition.
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