The fusee clock was a major improvement in clock design, providing accurate timekeeping by stabilizing the tension of the mainspring. However, it was bulky and difficult to repair. The invention of the barrel in 1760 by Jean-Antoine Lepine revolutionized watch design, providing a constant level of force and allowing for oscillating movements up to 18,000 beats per hour.
A fuse is a mechanical component of traditional-style watches and clocks that operate by the rotating actions of gears and springs. The spindle pulley is a cone-shaped rotating cylinder with a rope wrapped around it, connecting it to the mainspring, where the tension stabilizes the mainspring action as the watch winds down. The design of the fusee clock, or fusee clock, can be traced back to the 1600s and was considered a revolution in clock design early on, as it made such clocks much more accurate than earlier designs. Fuses were dominant in English-made watches during their period of widespread use and began to become obsolete in the year 1760 when Jean-Antoine Lepine, a well-known French watchmaker, invented the barrel to replace them.
The principle behind how the rotation of a fusee in a watch stabilized the tension of the mainspring is based on its cylindrical shape. When the mainspring was tightly wound, the wire from it was connected to the small diameter end of the fuse, and as the watch voltage dropped, the wire on the fuse moved to the larger end of the cone, providing rotation slower, even more tension for the clock movement. The movement of the cable was controlled by grooves in the surface of the spindle which held it in place on a specific diameter of the cone, depending on the level of tension in the watch. This was a major improvement over mechanical watch design to the point where clocks or watches prior to the use of the fuse were so inaccurate that they could not be considered true timekeeping devices.
However, the design of fusee and clockwork was not without its drawbacks. Particularly for watch design, it was a bulky element that made pocket watches thick and bulky. The fuse clock was also a complicated mechanical device, and if the mainspring broke or the chain on the fuse broke, it was difficult and expensive to repair the device, as damage to other components of the clock could occur in the process.
The invention of the barrel by Jean-Antoine Lepine in 1760 has been considered another revolutionary leap forward in watch design, and Lepine’s designs for watches and mechanical watches are still used as of 2011. The barrel is essentially a very long that can hold potential torque energy that is never fully dissipated in the watch mechanism. This allows for a much more constant level of force for the movement of the watch, and a longer and thinner mainspring has been shown to be much less likely to break than those used in the fusee watch. Another benefit that barrel design brought to watches is that it gave them the ability to have oscillating movements of up to 18,000 beats per hour. This made them much less susceptible to inaccuracies caused by vibration from horse riding, carriages or trains of the period.