Nervous bladder is a condition where an individual feels the need to urinate but cannot empty the bladder entirely. It can be caused by emotional issues, physical factors, or a phobia of using public restrooms. Treatment options include medication and counseling.
A nervous bladder is a condition in which the individual feels the need to urinate, but is unable to empty the bladder completely. Nerve blisters can be attributed to factors such as anxiety and other emotional issues, as well as having a physical origin. In all cases, the experience of having this condition can create great distress and even interfere with one’s ability to enjoy daily activities.
In terms of emotional issues, a nervous bladder can cause an individual to constantly search for the nearest public restroom. If one is in close proximity, the urge to go can remain in check. However, if there is no guarantee that a bathroom is nearby and available, the feeling of having to go immediately can escalate to the point that the individual experiences something akin to a panic attack. Even if a toilet is found, the individual may find it difficult to urinate to the point where it feels like the bladder is completely emptied.
A variation on the nervous bladder is the inability to use a public restroom. Sometimes referred to as shy bladder, the individual may have a phobia about using public facilities. The phobia can revolve around fears regarding hygiene or simply a fear of being seen urinating in an environment where strangers may be present. Both fears of being without or not being able to use a public toilet can be treated effectively with counseling.
There are, however, physical components that can also come into play. If there is some type of blockage, the urine stream will be weaker and may cause the individual to strain in an attempt to get relief. Often, the exertion does not result in a feeling of complete relief and the individual may soon feel the need to go back to the bathroom. When someone is having trouble using the bathroom even in a private home, there is a good chance that there is some type of physical issue that needs to be addressed.
Anyone suffering from this condition should see a doctor right away. Your doctor can determine if there is a physical component and administer the proper treatment, which may include prescribed medications or other treatments that stimulate proper functioning. If there is no physical reason for the nervous bladder, the doctor may refer the patient to a counselor for therapy sessions to help correct the situation.