Garden festivals showcase new plants, techniques and products, with workshops and displays of landscapes, trees, and lawns. Events may focus on a particular element or flower, and offer learning opportunities for gardeners. Water features are also popular attractions.
A garden festival is a celebration of flowers, plants and all things garden-related. Festivals often showcase the latest and greatest garden offerings, from new types of roses and fruit trees to topiary techniques. Workshops at events often feature presentations from gardening and lawn care experts. The garden and landscape vignettes offer festival-goers the chance to learn about new products and techniques, as well as imagine what objects would look like in a domestic setting. The shows also provide an opportunity for lawn care and landscaping companies to showcase their skills, products and abilities.
Some garden festival events focus on a particular garden element or flower, such as tulips or topiaries. Many events have a local feel and focus on flowers, plants, or crops that are locally grown or popular in an area, such as the annual Holland Tulip Festival in Holland, Michigan in the U.S. Some garden festival events are more broad scope, such as the Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show in Melbourne, Australia. This annual garden festival features displays of landscapes, flowers and gardens.
Most garden festivals also offer learning opportunities for gardeners with a variety of workshops. These programs are often presented by experts in assorted areas, including rose and orchid growing. Workshops typically offer demonstrations of practical tips for gardeners, such as pruning, grafting and earthworm composting. Some demonstrations are often offered free of charge to all festival-goers, while others may require reservations and a surcharge.
In addition to plants and flowers, garden festivals often include displays of landscapes, trees and lawns. Many landscaping firms will showcase their expertise through elaborate displays featuring various species of ornamental grasses, shrubs, and trees. They will also promote new products and techniques in a garden festival in hopes of attracting new customers and selling products. Garden art, flower pots and statues are also focal points of many gardens and garden festivals are often a popular place to buy the latest items.
Water features for a garden or courtyard, such as ponds, waterfalls and fountains, are often a popular attraction at garden festivals. Many gardeners appreciate the impact and drama a water feature can provide in a garden area. Displays at a garden festival often include a pond, complete with pond plants, fish, and a waterfall. Water fountains are often operational at garden events to help promote sales, and smaller versions of the fountains are often available for purchase at the event.