Gravenstein apples are a delicious early-season variety that is great for baking, making cider, and eating fresh. However, they have a short shelf life and can only be grown in select areas with cool, wet climates.
Gravenstein apples are one of the earliest apple varieties ready for harvest at the end of summer. With a crunchy texture and tangy sweetness, Gravensteins make delicious apples that they eat fresh off the tree. The season is short for this apple variety, however, because it doesn’t keep well. Often considered the perfect apple in flavor, juice and texture, the Gravenstein apple is limited by its inability to ship well or store for more than a few weeks. After harvesting, Gravenstein apples should be used within a few weeks.
As a baking apple, the Gravenstein is superior. The fruit maintains its crunchy texture during the baking process without becoming mushy or mealy, and the dual flavors of tartness and sweetness lend a natural, tangy flavor to the season’s first pies. Gravenstein’s unique flavor will intensify with the cooking process.
These apples can be thinly sliced and layered with lemon zest, walnuts and cinnamon in a tart or pie crust. At harvest time, when the apples are fresh, they can be cored, the center can be filled with cinnamon, sugar and crushed nuts, and the apple can be baked until the skins begin to brown. The resulting baked apples combine a crunchy tartness with spices and sugars for a healthy dessert or afternoon snack.
With thin skin and lots of juice, the Gravenstein apple is a natural choice for making hard or soft cider. The flavor is fresh and dry with a touch of sweetness, sometimes said to retain the flavor of a white wine. The Gravenstein apple is also particularly good for making tasty juices, applesauce and vinegars.
The Gravenstein apple grows only in select areas where summers and winters are cool and wet, further limiting its geographical range. It grew up in the Sonoma County region of California, and was first introduced to the area in the mid-1800s from Nova Scotia. The Gravenstein apple root system is unique in its preference for the thick fog that often lies on the ground in the green valleys of coastal regions of Sonoma County, keeping the roots moist and cool. The Gravenstein apple has seen a decline, however, as orchard land has been transformed into more profitable vineyards.