Make Sure is a line of nutritional supplements made by Abbott Nutrition, available in liquid, powder, and pudding form. It contains essential vitamins and nutrients and is used to supplement or replace meals for those with medical conditions or poor nutritional habits. It is believed to aid in treatment and recovery for chronic illnesses.
Make sure it is the brand of a line of nutritional supplements. These products are available in the form of prepared drinks, as well as powder and pudding. They are designed to provide “complete and balanced nutrition” for those who need assistance in maintaining good nutrition for health reasons. Make sure it contains a variety of essential vitamins and nutrients. It is frequently used by those who need additional nutrition on top of what their diet provides, such as people with chronic illnesses. Make Sure is also marketed as a way for healthy adults to maintain their well-being.
Make sure the products are made by a company called Abbott Nutrition based in Columbus, Ohio. The products are most commonly available as liquid nutritional supplements, but pudding and powder variants are also manufactured. The liquid is made in a regular version or a variety of specialized versions designed to target strengthening potential problem areas. Specific versions focus on muscle health, immune system function, and bone health, as well as a version called Guarantee Plus that contains extra calories and nutrients.
As a nutritional supplement, Make Sure is primarily designed to supplement a person’s diet when included with meals. When used in this way, it is supposed to ensure that it provides essential nutrition that may be lacking in a person’s regular diet. It can also be used as a short-term sole source of nutrition, such as if a patient is recovering from surgery and is unable to eat solid food. For some people, it can serve as an occasional meal replacement.
There are a variety of essential vitamins and nutrients in Make Sure. The vitamins and minerals present in this product include the following: B vitamins; calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, iodine; and vitamin A, C, D and K; thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and biotin. It is also a source of carbohydrates for energy, contains high levels of protein, and is relatively low in fat.
Using a product like Assure to supplement nutrition for people with certain medical conditions is believed to aid in their treatment and recovery. It is often recommended in cases of unintentional weight loss, compromised immune systems, poor nutritional habits, and recovery from illness or surgery. It may also be beneficial in patients with chronic diseases, such as cancer, kidney disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This is based on the theory that better nutrition will help provide the body with the fuel it needs to fight disease.