A harbor pilot is a boat pilot with specialized knowledge of a specific port or port. They are needed to direct large ships into a harbor where there are specific deep water channels surrounded by shallow planes. Becoming a harbor pilot does not require a specific type of degree, just a large amount of experience and local knowledge. The harbor pilot may have adverse weather conditions to deal with as well. They will also work closely with the harbor master.
A harbor pilot, commonly known as a marine pilot, is a boat pilot with specialized knowledge of a specific port or port. The pilot is needed to direct large ships into a harbor where there are specific deep water channels surrounded by shallow planes. Without the services of a harbor pilot, docking ships would become a major risk. There would be a real chance of running aground and damaging the ship and cargo, some of which could be dangerous if released into an aquatic ecosystem.
In most cases, becoming a harbor pilot does not require a specific type of degree, just a large amount of experience and local knowledge that is only gained through practice. Most will start out as assistants and work their way up to being pilots. Some may be employed by specific companies whose ships regularly enter and leave certain ports. The vast majority, however, are independent contractors. This offers the best chance of getting regular employment.
Some harbor pilots may specialize in certain types of ships. For example, some may be more adept at bringing in large freighters. Others may specialize in helping military ships in treacherous waters. Some may even be employed to assist large passenger cruise ships. The harbor pilot, to be successful, must be comfortable with whatever vessel he is operating on. Even the smallest mistakes can lead to disastrous consequences.
In addition to shallow planes, currents are another danger to be faced when bringing ships into port. During different tides, currents can be calm or change from one direction to another. Understanding how the tide affects these currents is essential in any port. The same strategy for mooring a vessel during an incoming tide may not work during an outgoing tide. So the harbor pilot should keep this in mind when working in the harbor.
Often times, the harbor pilot may have adverse weather conditions to deal with as well. Just as currents can affect the movement of a large ship, wind can also significantly change the ship’s direction and how it reacts. Wind conditions are very common around harbors and harbors. Often, the wind changes direction throughout the day, adding another variable for the pilot to deal with.
In most cases, a harbor pilot will also work closely with the harbor master. The harbor master is responsible for police and customs matters, as well as determining which ships dock at which locations. Thus, the pilot, seeking the best situation for his client, generally tries to maintain a good working relationship with the harbor master.