What’s a hat-trick in soccer?

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A hat-trick in soccer is when a player scores three goals in one match. The term originated in cricket in the 19th century and has been used in many sports. There are variations of a hat-trick in soccer, including a flawless hat-trick and a golden hat-trick. Goals scored in a penalty shoot-out do not count towards a hat-trick. The term is believed to have originated in 1858 in cricket when a bowler was awarded a hat after taking three wickets in three balls.

A hat-trick in soccer occurs when a player scores three goals in one match. The term “hat-trick” in sports is used to refer to a certain achievement by a player during competition, with the feat usually involving three of something – such as goals scored – and varies by sport. The term is believed to have originated in cricket in the 19th century, but has been used in many other sports, including football and hockey. There are also variations of a hat-trick in soccer which involve a player scoring three goals in certain ways, such as consecutively in the same period or by hitting the ball in certain ways.


As in many sports, there are some informal rules about the use of the term “hat-trick” in soccer. For example, if the match is tied after extra time and goes to a penalty shoot-out, goals scored do not count towards a hat-trick. Therefore, a hat-trick in football can only occur during regular time, extra time and overtime. Any goal scored in a penalty shoot-out before a shootout would count towards a hat-trick.


If a soccer player scores three consecutive goals in one period, this is called a flawless hat-trick. If another player from either team scores a goal between any of the other player’s three scores, so that the three goals are not consecutive, then it is still a hat-trick but not a flawless hat-trick. Another type of hat-trick in soccer is a golden hat-trick or perfect hat-trick, which requires the player to score one goal by kicking with his right foot, one goal by kicking with his left foot, and one goal by hitting the ball with his or hers head. The three types of goals can be scored in any order. This type of hat-trick requires tremendous skill and is rarely performed.

Origin of the “Hat Trick”

The use of the term “hat-trick” in sports is believed to have originated in 1858 when HH Stephenson, a bowler in cricket, was awarded a hat after successfully taking three wickets in three balls. The term is probably the most used in hockey. When a hockey player scores their third goal in a game, many fans celebrate by throwing hats on the ice. This was a particularly popular celebration in the early 20th century when men often wore formal hats to sporting events, but it has continued into the 21st century.

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