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What’s a Head of Agreement?


A head of agreement outlines general points and conditions that must be met in a contract. It is not legally binding but serves as a template for the actual contract. It can become legally binding if both parties agree to it and certain terms are set out in detail.

A head of agreement is basically a pre-contractual agreement between two parties that helps outline the general points and conditions that must be met in a contract. If one party is planning to rent a property from another, for example, then they may get together to agree the general terms of the lease. A head of agreement can be created by the two parties from this meeting which establishes the general conditions to be established. This can then be used as a template in creating the actual lease agreement between the two parties, to which the agreement can be modified or otherwise ignored.

The purpose of an agreement boss is to establish certain criteria and terms that must be agreed upon in a legally binding contract. It can be seen as an agreement to come to a further agreement on the terms of a contract. The language used in the agreement is usually, and intentionally, vague, but it does identify the main terms and conditions that need to be covered. In general, this type of document is not considered legally binding between the two parties, unless otherwise indicated in it.

A simple example of this type of agreement could be created between two parties who wish to enter into a lease with each other. Each of the parties can come together and discuss the general conditions which must be indicated and any specific or unusual conditions which should be part of the actual legal contract between them. This planning stage is used to create an agreement between the two parties, which provides expectations and insight into what each party wants. While they may draft it themselves, lawyers and other representatives are often used to create the document to ensure it is as detailed as necessary.

While a piece of agreement can be signed by both parties involved in a contract, it is not legally binding, and the terms set forth within it cannot generally be used for legal recourse. It is simply a document used in the design stages of a contract and serves as an outline for the actual legally binding one. However, an agreement end can become a party to a binding contract if both parties agree to it. This may be done in some cases where certain terms within the agreement are set out in rigorous detail, allowing it to become part of a binding contract and making these terms enforceable by law.
