A hearing aid specialist tests for hearing loss and recommends devices. They use computer-based analysis and technical equipment, ask questions about health and history, and recommend hearing aids based on patient needs. They may refer patients to a physician and maintain records. A high school diploma and certification is required.
A hearing aid specialist is a person who tests people for hearing loss and recommends devices to help them regain their hearing function. She should be qualified to advise on different types of hearing aids based on her assessments. If she believes that a person needs a more extensive medical evaluation of their hearing problems, she may refer them to a qualified physician. This could be a family doctor, ear, nose and throat specialist or an internist.
The testing procedures used by the hearing aid specialist may include computer-based analysis or the use of specific technical testing equipment to assess hearing loss. To make his assessment comprehensive, the specialist may ask the patient questions about his general health, work environment, or intake of prescribed medications. She may ask when the hearing loss became apparent and whether there is a family history of hearing problems.
Most hearing aid specialists are knowledgeable about the different types of hearing aid components. They often recommend one technology over another based on patient assessment. Factors for evaluation usually include whether the hearing loss occurs in both ears, whether it is constant or intermittent, and whether the loss is sensitive to high or low tones.
The hearing aid specialist will normally introduce the patient to different styles of hearing aids. She asks questions to determine which features are most important. Hearing aid options include shape, size, types of batteries needed, and ease of use. Each patient typically has specific needs and preferences in these areas. The specialist tries to provide as many preferred features as possible.
In addition to performing patient assessments and recommending hearing aids, a hearing aid specialist will usually work with an external physician if they believe the patient needs further evaluation. She usually offers to schedule an appointment with a doctor for the patient. After the patient sees an outside physician, the specialist talks with the patient and the physician about the diagnosis and available treatment options.
In addition to providing patient services, the hearing aid specialist is responsible for maintaining patient files and records and ordering inventory and supplies. She may meet with hearing aid and hearing test equipment sales representatives to discuss new products and technologies. As patients’ recommended review dates approach, the specialist contacts them by mail or phone to schedule appointments.
A high school diploma or equivalent is required to become a hearing aid specialist. Typically, a license or certification from an accredited hearing loss education institute is required. Experience in a medical or customer service environment is preferred.