Hopper barges are box-shaped vessels used to transport dry bulk goods on lakes and rivers. They have no power source and are moved by tugboats. Variations include split and raked barges. They are slower but cheaper than other vessels and can carry a variety of products.
A hopper barge is a marine vessel designed to transport dry bulk goods, from garbage to grain. There are several variations on the hopper barge design for different applications and environments. These barges are primarily designed for use on lakes and rivers, although they can sometimes be towed out to sea, provided they are moving through relatively calm water and over short distances.
The hopper barge has no power source. These barges are moved by tugboats and other vessels that push and pull them to where they are needed. Barges in general tend to be slow and cumbersome because they are most efficiently designed for cargo, not speed. Other boaters should be careful with barges, as they lack maneuverability and can have accidents. If visibility is poor, a tug operator may not be aware of the navigational hazard posed by a small vessel.
The basic hopper barge design is a box, square or rectangular barge with several compartments. Some box barges have covers that can be broken off or rolled over the compartments to protect the contents, while others are left open. Doors at the bottom allow the barge to unload its contents at the destination. A variation, the raked barge, has the same compartment arrangement, but one or both ends of the barge are raked to make it move more smoothly through the water. This reduces the total load the barge can carry, but stabilizes it in the water.
In a variation known as a split hopper barge, the entire barge is articulated. It can be divided into two to load and unload cargo. This design has to be extremely stable so that the barge does not tip over when the load is split and moved. If the barge is not designed correctly, it can capsize or sink, especially when the load is unloaded too quickly and the weight of the half barge decreases rapidly.
Also known as a garbage dump, the hopper barge is a common sign on waterways used for transportation. Hopper barges are used to move large loads of a variety of products. Shipping via barge tends to be relatively low cost, although it is also slower than using other types of vessels. Shippers with special needs, such as cargo that needs unique handling, can make specific arrangements with barge companies to load their cargo onto the most suitable barge.