What’s a Hot Chase?

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Hot pursuit is the immediate pursuit of a suspect by law enforcement who has committed or is suspected of committing a crime. It can be used to describe a chase after a suspect who refuses to pull over or attempts to flee the scene. Pursuit can also allow officers to follow a suspect into another jurisdiction without following standard procedures. Pursuit statutes may vary by state or country and can waive jurisdictional concerns. Originally used by the US Coast Guard during Prohibition, hot pursuit is still used by law enforcement today.

Pursuit is the active, and sometimes immediate, pursuit by a law enforcement agency or officer of a person who has committed, is committing, or is suspected of committing a crime. A hot chase implies that effort is made without unreasonable delay, and while it doesn’t have to be a hot chase, it is often used interchangeably with hot pursuit. The term may be used to describe an arrest made after an investigation reveals a suspect or a pursuit in pursuit of a suspect committing a felony, such as in theft auto or drunk driving (DUI) situations ). A pursuit may also allow an officer to continue pursuing a suspect in another state agency or jurisdiction.

Originally used by the United States Coast Guard (USA) during the Prohibition era to refer to the search for individuals believed to be smuggling illegal alcohol into the United States, the chase is still used by law enforcement officers and professionals. The term can be used to describe immediate pursuit, in a situation where a suspect in a vehicle refuses to pull over for an officer or an attempt is made to flee the scene of a crime or arrest. Such pursuit may also be undertaken with or without a warrant, as determined by the potentially immediate nature of the situation.

The term can also be used to describe a pursuit situation in which a law enforcement officer is pursuing a suspect who has entered a neighboring jurisdiction and the officer does not have time to properly notify law enforcement of that suspect. area before entering. Typically, when officers of one agency need to enter an area under the jurisdiction of another agency, they must follow certain procedures to ensure proper handling of investigations in both areas. If an officer is actively pursuing someone, however, and that person enters another jurisdictional region, the pursuing officer can typically follow without bothering to go through the proper channels.

Such pursuit statutes may include state laws regarding entry into the state from a neighboring state by a law enforcement officer in pursuit of a suspect. The law may include specific details about the nature of the pursuit or a requirement for the seriousness of the crime suspected or committed to justify waiving standard procedures. Similar laws can also exist between neighboring countries, especially in places like Europe with many countries in a relatively small geographic space. These types of pursuit statutes allow pursuing officers to continue efforts to apprehend a suspect unhindered by jurisdictional concerns.

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