A hysteroscope is a minimally invasive instrument used by gynecologists to look inside the uterus for diagnostic or surgical purposes. It consists of a long, thin tube with a camera and light, and can be used to remove growths or take biopsies. The procedure can be uncomfortable, but is generally outpatient and has few complications.
A hysteroscope is an instrument used in hysteroscopy, a procedure in which a doctor looks inside the uterus. The procedure can be diagnostic or operative in nature and is minimally invasive. Sometimes, hysteroscopy can be done in a doctor’s office, while in other cases, it can take place in a hospital setting. This tool is usually used by a gynecologist, a specialist in treating conditions involving the female reproductive tract.
The hysteroscope consists of a long, thin tube that is fitted with a camera and light. Many doctors use flexible hysteroscopes, which are more comfortable for the patient. When a hysteroscopy is done, a speculum is inserted into the vagina and the tube is threaded through the vagina, past the cervix, and into the uterus. An image appears on a video screen, and your doctor can manipulate the tube to examine different areas of your uterus. The image can be saved for future reference.
When a hysteroscope is used for diagnostic purposes, your doctor uses the instrument to look at your uterus to see if they can identify the cause of a medical problem. For example, the doctor may want to know why a patient is experiencing recurring miscarriages or whether or not the patient has uterine fibroids. Your doctor may insert another tool to take a sample from your uterine wall for a biopsy.
In surgical procedures, instruments may be guided to remove growths such as polyps or to insert and remove birth control. Hysteroscopy is an endoscopic procedure, which allows the doctor to work inside the patient’s body without having to make an incision. This made the procedure more comfortable for the patient and also radically shortened the healing time.
Having a hysteroscope inserted is usually not very comfortable. In some cases, local anesthetics may be used during the procedure, and sometimes a regional or general anesthesia is used. Worried or stressed patients may be given medications to help them relax, as tension can make the procedure more painful and uncomfortable.
Hysteroscopy is generally an outpatient procedure, with the patient being allowed to leave as soon as the procedure is completed. If general anesthesia is used, the patient will need to spend time monitored during recovery. Common complications of using a hysteroscope include breakthrough bleeding and cramping. More rarely, the device can perforate the uterus, putting the patient at risk of a serious infection.