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What’s a landing stage?


A landing platform is a floating platform used for loading and unloading people and cargo from ships. They can vary in size and may include buildings or sheds. Businesses involved in shipping tend to be located nearby, and landing stages may house government facilities and tourist information centers.

A landing platform is a platform used for the purpose of loading and unloading people and cargo from ocean-going vessels, including ships and craft of all shapes, styles, and sizes. Landing stages may be referred to as jetties or landings by individuals, and they may become hubs of commerce and activity as companies gravitate toward them to provide shipping-related services.

The landing stage consists of a generally floating platform that boats and ships can park alongside. In areas with shallow water or limited space, the landing platform can be designed for use with ship tenders and boats, rather than the ships themselves, with the ship anchored at a distance and sending vessels to shore to load and unload cargo. and passengers. Small boats that can be used as shuttles can also be docked near the jetty for convenience.

Depending on the location, access to a landing platform may be controlled for security reasons, with the aim of keeping the area clear for security as well. Authorized personnel include various port and dock workers who assist with ship and cargo handling, along with representatives who work with passengers. Historically, rail lines typically ran to or near landing stages to provide connections for people and cargo heading elsewhere, although today that access may be provided by truck rather than rail.

Landing stages can vary considerably in size. The smallest can be found on small lakes and rivers, and may be designed to accommodate only small boats, such as fishing boats that people might use for a day on the lake. Larger landing stages can handle multiple vessels, including very large vessels, and may include features such as buildings or sheds that provide shelter in inclement weather and a place to wait for incoming ships.

Businesses that are involved in some way with shipping tend to be located as close to the landing stages as possible, and rents on facilities like warehouses that adjoin the landing stage can be very high. Landing stages may also house customs warehouses, immigration offices, and other government facilities related to regulating the transportation of people and goods across international borders. They can also house things like tourist information centers that can provide people with information about the city and surrounding area when they arrive, and opportunistic tourists and taxi operators can get used to arranging landing stages so they can collect fares.
