What’s a landline?

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A ground line is an electrical wire that provides a low resistance path to earth, protecting people and appliances from electric shock. It acts as a backup for the neutral wire and can be used as part of a lightning protection system.

A ground line is an electrical wire used to reduce the risk of electric shock. By nature, electricity always follows the fastest path to earth. If a person were to touch an ungrounded wire, electricity would travel through their body to the ground, causing injury or death. If a ground line is present, it offers a short path of low resistance, allowing excess electricity to reach the ground more quickly than it would if it were passed through a person.

To understand how a land line is used, it helps to understand how most home wiring systems are set up. Standard electrical systems carry one pair of wires, including a hot wire and a neutral. Electricity travels from the panel through the hot wire to power the house, then back through the neutral wire to complete the circuit. If a surge of current flows through the system, it will flow into the panel through the neutral wire and trip the circuit breaker. This minimizes the risk of fire or electric shock to the occupants of the home.

In the event that the neutral wire is cut or fails, however, electricity will not have an effective path back to the panel. It will damage your home’s electrical system or pass through to people who may be using an electronic device in your home. A ground line acts as a backup for the neutral wire in this type of scenario. It delivers excess electrical energy in a low resistance path to the panel, where it simply trips the breaker.

Many appliances also have their own ground line to protect users and extend the life of the appliance. In a refrigerator, for example, a built-in ground line is connected to the metal case of the unit. If the neutral wire fails, or a surge of electricity passes into the unit, the ground unit prevents this surge from tripping the refrigerator motor. It also protects users who may be near the unit when a power surge occurs. This electricity goes through the ground wire into the home’s electrical system rather than going through the individual trying to reach the ground.

A ground line can also be used as part of a lightning protection system. If lightning strikes a building, it can strike electrical systems, destroy electrical appliances, or even cause fires. A ground line is a wire connected to a point high up on the building. It extends down to the earth, then connects to metal spikes or rods that are buried underground. When lightning strikes the house, it simply passes along the ground wire and then down into the earth.

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