What’s a last common ancestor?

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The last common ancestor is the most recent shared ancestor between two individuals or species. It can be determined through fossils or genetic information, but both methods have flaws. The last universal common ancestor lived between 3.6 and 4.2 billion years ago, while the last common ancestor of humans lived about 3,000 years ago. “Mitochondrial Eve” is believed to be the most recent matrilineal common ancestor of all living humans, but cannot be directly linked as a common ancestor of all humans.

Last common ancestor refers to the most recent possible shared ancestor between two individuals, species, or life groups. For example, the last common ancestor of all animals is thought to have existed around 610 million years ago, although it could be much older. We can deduce some of its characteristics by looking at the common characteristics of all living animals. For example, the basics of cellular metabolism are common to all animals.

There are two ways to figure out the last common ancestor of two subjects, and they’re both flawed. The first is to dig up fossils and make hypotheses about their place in the evolutionary tree, based on morphology and other clues. This can backfire because interpretations can be erroneous and the vast majority of all species have never left fossils. The second is to look at the genomes of living animals and see how much information they have in common. The less shared genetic information, the more distant relationships between the two are, and the differences between genomes can be used to estimate the approximate time of divergence. This approach can also fail, because species evolve at different speeds that we cannot always predict.

The last common ancestor of all life — sometimes called the last universal common ancestor, or LUCA — lived between 3.6 and 4.2 billion years ago, a long time ago, even by paleontologists’ standards. The common ancestor of animals lived at least 610 million years ago, as mentioned earlier. That of all vertebrates was probably a jawless fish that lived 530 million years ago, in the early Cambrian. The last common ancestor of all land vertebrates was a lobe-finned fish that began crawling on land 375 million years ago. These fish are the direct ancestors of all humans.

The last common ancestor of all living mammals existed at least 125 million years ago. The last common ancestor of all primates existed between 55 and 85 million years ago, while the last of the hominids (“great apes”: humans, chimpanzees, orangutans and gorillas) lived about 18 million years ago. Orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees split from other primates 14, 8 and about 7 million years ago, respectively. Until recently, humans’ ancestors were thought to have split from chimpanzees 3-5 million years ago, but new fossil discoveries have suggested that this divergence occurred earlier than originally thought.

The last common ancestor of all living humans lived only about 3,000 years ago, making us all very closely related. There is some confusion with the identification of “Mitochondrial Eve”, believed to be the most recent matrilineal common ancestor (MRCA) of all living humans, who lived approximately 170,000 years ago. Matrilineal MRCA can only be traced through female DNA, however, and cannot be directly linked as a common ancestor of all humans.

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