The lateen sail is a triangular sail suspended from a yard and is a fore-and-aft design. It dates back to ancient times and was widely used on ships of the Roman Empire in the Mediterranean. It is still in use today on a variety of boat types and is a simple arrangement to manage.
A lateen is a sail configuration dating back to ancient times and still in regular use on a variety of boat types today. It consists of a triangular, front and rear sail suspended from a yard. The yard crosses the mast at approximately its midpoint with its forward end nearly level with the hull and its rear sloped over the top of the mast. This arrangement places the yard and sail at an angle of around 45° to the mast and equally positioned behind and in front of it. Rigged vessels may have one or more masts and may include additional sails such as spotlights or sails.
The exact origins of the lateen platform are unclear; Several historians believe that it was in use from the 1st century BC. C. It was widely used on ships of the Roman Empire in the Mediterranean and was one of the rigging standards during the Age of Discovery. An evolutionary offshoot of the traditional square rig, the latesail found favor with sailors from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, where it remains the rig of choice on dhows and smaller fishing boats.
The lateen sail is a fore-and-aft design, meaning it is oriented along the line, or length, of the boat’s keel. The sail is triangular and supported along its upper edge by a long spar or yard. The yard is attached to the mast with parrel lines in the region of its midpoint. The gaff is oriented with its front end secured low towards the bow of the ship with a tack line. This places its other end at a pronounced attitude and typically higher than the neck.
The lower edge of the sail may feature an additional mast known as a boom, but this is generally not supported. Its rear corner is secured to the boat by a line known as a sheet that is used to trim the sail. The yard remains on one side of the mast at all times, giving the rig the disadvantage of a “bad grip” sail position under certain conditions. Poor tack occurs when the wind pushes the sail against the mast, negatively affecting its carrying capacity. On the opposite tack, or when the wind is blowing from the other side of the boat, the sail pulls away from the mast and reaches its full potential.
The lateen rig is a simple arrangement to manage and requires a small crew. It can be quickly released and raised, making it an ideal choice for vessels that regularly navigate under bridges. These sails can be suitable for single or multi-masted boats and are often used in conjunction with jibs and sails.