What’s a learning curve?

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A learning curve measures how quickly a skill can be mastered, often shown as a graph. German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus coined the term in the late 19th century. Steep curves imply a large gain in knowledge, while flat curves are spaced out over time. Different people learn at different rates, but consistent failure to meet goals may indicate a problem, such as a learning disability.

A learning curve is a concept used to measure how quickly a skill can be mastered. Usually shown as a simple graph, it often represents the combination of the time it takes to learn a new idea or skill set, combined with the rate at which mastery is achieved. Learning curves are often used to measure an individual’s progress against an average.
German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus coined the term during his research on memory and memorization in the late 19th century. In his 1919 paper, Memory: A Contribution to Experimental Psychology, Ebbinghaus described his findings concerning both the learning curve, or rate at which knowledge is acquired, and the forgetting curve, a related graph that measures the rate at which knowledge is acquired. where the stored information is lost. His book is considered a groundbreaking work in the field and quickly led to the popularity of using these curves as a means of measuring progress.

The concept is somewhat confusing in terminology, even for experts. For example, a steep curve implies two very different graphs. Some believe it means there is a large gain in knowledge in the early stages, displayed on the usual graph as a steep slope at the beginning gradually tapering off. Chess, for example, might be considered a game with a steep curve, as while the rules are simple and quick to learn, mastering the game can take years. The term is also sometimes used to describe a particularly difficult or arduous skill to learn, as steep slopes are presumably more difficult to climb.

Flat or gradual learning curves are more generally understood as a concept. On a flat curve, the rate of gain is slowly spaced out over time, so the rate is generally the same. Subjects take a long time to fully master, but provide sufficient time to truly imprint the procedures or skill components into the brain. They are often very difficult to learn, as they do not provide the benefits of quick and usable knowledge.

People should remember that these graphs are representative of an average rate of knowledge gain over time. Because different people have different backgrounds or aptitudes, some may learn much faster or slower than others. However, a consistent failure to meet goals or checkpoints set by learning curves can indicate a problem, such as a learning disability or simply misunderstanding the fundamentals of a subject. In this case, it may be worth trying to correct the problem with corrective tutoring on the subject. If tutoring does not help improve a student’s learning rate, they may wish to be tested for learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, which may be hindering the individual’s ability to keep up with the curve.

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