Lightweight design is a software development technique that uses small processes, such as Scrum, to streamline the development process and reduce delays. It focuses on modular development and interactive communication with customers to meet their needs. Smartphones are an example of products developed using lightweight design.
Computer software development is a complex process that includes requirements, design, and coding stages. Lightweight design is a software design technique that uses small lightweight processes. These typically include graphs, flowcharts, and high-level overviews of how the application will be put together.
Scrum is an example of a lightweight design process that was created to streamline software development. This technique builds applications based on small modular development cycles. Each application component is assembled as a single unit.
Most lightweight software design is based on modular development. These modules are developed quickly and verified by the customer. The modular design requires components to be developed and reviewed in three-week cycles, which is a highly interactive process.
Lightweight design was initially created in an effort to remove unnecessary bureaucratic processes from the software development process. This allowed the software to be developed faster and more efficiently. Lightweight techniques are becoming the standard for construction applications.
In the past, software development projects used heavy engineering techniques that required excessive documentation and review. This method typically causes unacceptable delays in the final delivery of the software application. This has caused the evolution of lightweight methods, which have significantly reduced development time. Software developers realized that heavy processes were unnecessary and placed a significant burden on business performance. This failed process spawned a new area of lightweight design techniques.
Smartphones are an example of software products developed using lightweight design techniques. These products require a fast delivery cycle, which ensures a rapid development process. Most smartphone applications include some basic blueprints that define how the application will be developed.
Software design is a critical stage in software development where the architecture of the computer system is defined. This definition is similar to a blueprint, which defines how the application will be developed. Lighter design techniques include basic process flows that provide the blueprint for the system.
One of the key benefits of lightweight design is the renewed focus on customer needs. Lightweight techniques use less documentation, which requires more communication with the customer. This process requires interactive communication between the customer and the software developers to ensure the design meets the needs of the business.