What’s a lighthouse keeper?

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Lighthouse keepers were responsible for maintaining lighthouses, including the lens, clocks, and structure. They also provided signals to guide ships safely to shore. With technological advancements, most lighthouses are now automated, but some designated historic sites still have keepers who act as tourism directors.

Lighthouse keeper are persons employed for the purpose of keeping a lighthouse operational. In the past, it was not uncommon for a lighthouse keeper to live on site and provide daily maintenance to the lighthouse, especially the lens, any mechanical clocks used in operating the facility, and the general condition of the structure. Over time, the number of active keepers dwindled as computer technology made it possible to monitor and control lighthouse functions from a distance.

Prior to the mid-20th century, lighthouses were still commonly used to help guide ships safely to shore. It was not uncommon for a lighthouse to be located on an elevated point close to the shore of a sea or sometimes a lake. In addition to providing light that acted as a beacon for nearby ships, the lighthouse keeper could also use various signals to indicate potential dangers, such as rock formations along the coast or helping a ship navigate safely through a fog bank.

The lighthouse keeper was usually on duty every day of the year. Daily chores were needed to keep the lighthouse always functional. A lighthouse keeper would routinely trim the wicks and ensure that there is an adequate supply of fuel to power the wicks. The keeper also cleaned and repaired the lenses that allowed the headlights to be directed and kept all the windows in the structure free of salt deposits or other elements that would obscure the keeper’s view of the waters.

It was not uncommon for the lighthouse keeper and possibly his family to set up menial tasks at the lighthouse itself. Some projects called for accommodation on the lower levels of the structure. In other situations, a caretaker’s hut was erected a short distance from the lighthouse, allowing the family to maintain separate living and working spaces. When living quarters were provided, the lighthouse keeper was usually paid a smaller salary along with the provision of free housing.

While lighthouse keeper jobs were plentiful, technological advances slowly made the position obsolete. In the early 21st century, most lighthouses were fully automated and could be maintained with occasional visits by construction and construction crews. Some lighthouses registered as historic sites continue to have an individual designated as a lighthouse keeper. However, a keeper’s primary role today is to act as the director of tourism associated with the site, including conducting tours of the facility.

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