Making big bucks means earning a sizable wage or salary relative to the average income, slowly accumulating personal wealth and living a comfortable lifestyle. It can be earned through services rendered to an employer, participating in money-making processes, or choosing a career path. The amount considered a lot of money varies depending on the economic environment and social network.
“Making a lot of money” is one of several idiomatic expressions that has to do with generating personal wealth. Sometimes referred to as raking in big bucks, making big bucks involves earning a sizable wage or salary relative to the average income found in a given area. The concept also implies that the individual earning this above average income is slowly accumulating personal wealth which will in turn provide a very comfortable lifestyle.
Big bucks is often thought to have its origins in the use of the word “bucks” in reference to the US dollar bill. The idea of big bucks involves amassing a large number of dollars, typically by earning the money as compensation for services rendered to an employer. A lot of money can also be made by participating in any type of money-making process, such as dividend payments earned from holding stocks or interest accrued on bond issues. As long as a business results in creating a revenue stream for the individual, it can be said that they make a lot of money as a result of their efforts.
Many people set a goal of making a lot of money as part of their criteria for choosing a career path or selecting a certain position with a particular employer once that path is determined. The idea is often to combine the skills and talents of the individual with a career in which those skills can provide a use to the employer and a measure of personal fulfillment for the employee. Along with these provisions, the desire to secure the highest possible wage or salary also comes into play, allowing the worker to be satisfied by that occupation on many fronts.
It is important to note that there is no specific amount of earnings that must be achieved in order for an individual to be the recipient of a lot of money. The salary or wages that are considered very attractive in one economic environment may be average at best in a different environment and considered nothing particularly spectacular. At times, the idiom may be used in mockery, as a means of making fun of the relatively low wages or salary someone earns in relation to the earnings of their peers. Most commonly, the saying has to do with making more money than others in the immediate social network.