A fleshing machine uses a rotating blade to strip fat and muscle from an animal’s skin. It is used by taxidermists and companies that use animal skins. The machine can be handheld or large equipment, and safety is important when using it. It can also be used as a shaver to thin out hides.
A fleshing machine is a device that strips the fat and muscle from an animal’s skin, or coat. A strong blade separates the skin from attached tissue, flattens and stretches the skin. Meat machines are mostly used by taxidermists, but can be used by any company that makes products from animal skins. A fleshing machine takes the place of knives and non-motorized fleshing tools by using power to rotate a blade. Large industrial fleshers have rollers and mini teeth to scrape the flesh and fat off the skin.
After an animal has been gutted, the skin still has a lot of tissue attached to it; this can include pieces of fat or muscle, called meat. To prepare a coat for tanning or any other purpose, this fabric must be removed. Traditionally, taxidermists and hunters used a fleshing beam, which is a small rounded platform over which a hide is draped. Once the mantle is placed on the beam, small hand tools cut through the fabrics. A fleshing machine is a much faster method of preparing a hide.
Fleshing machines can be small handheld power tools or large equipment, depending on the task at hand. Prices vary widely, depending on the size and capacity of the machine. Investing your time and money in a good car can be very worthwhile. For a professional taxidermist, for example, fleshing machines can be an invaluable piece of equipment, saving many man hours.
When purchasing a fleshing machine, it is important for the buyer to know what comes with the purchase. Some fleshing machines are not supplied with the motor or other parts of the assembly. Even the assembly and installation of a fleshing machine requires careful attention to detail. Users should remember that the machine and blade will be exposed to fluids so safety is of the utmost importance as electricity is involved. Furthermore, the positioning of the blade guards is important for the operator’s safety by protecting the hands.
A fleshing machine can also be used as a shaver to thin out a hide and make it softer and more malleable. Removing even a few thousandths of an inch (centimeter) from a cloak can be time consuming and tedious. A fleshing machine is much more precise and allows a taxidermist or hobbyist to make small changes to the thickness of a hide.