What’s a mech room?

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A mechanical room, also known as a boiler room or technical room, houses equipment used to control a building’s environment. Equipment varies based on building needs and codes, and design considerations include layout, drainage, ventilation, insulation, and safety features.

A mechanical room is a room that houses a variety of mechanical equipment, especially equipment used to control the environment in a building. It is sometimes referred to as a boiler room – which refers to a boiler that can be housed within it – or as a technical room. Electrical equipment used in conjunction with these items, as well as safety equipment, is also typically located in this room.

The specific equipment found in a mechanical room depends on what is needed for the particular building it is located in and local building codes. For example, boilers heat water supplied to the building via pipes to heat the air or for direct use such as in a kitchen. Chiller tubes and compressors can be used to circulate chilled water through the building for cooling purposes. There may also be softeners or water purifiers to minimize limescale deposits and improve the efficiency of the equipment through which the water circulates. Heat exchange coils, pumps, fans, motors and numerous other items can also be found in the machine rooms.

Design considerations for a mechanical room include proper equipment layout and effective drainage. The equipment must be arranged so that there is sufficient space for regularly scheduled maintenance and repairs. Sufficient room ventilation helps prevent overheating of mechanical equipment such as boilers, water heaters, hot water pipes, and others. The floor of the room must slope adequately towards the drains and be free of depressions where condensation or dangerous chemicals could accumulate. In some circumstances a sump pump may be required, such as where a mechanical room is located in a basement, to prevent water accumulation.

Sufficient vibration and sound insulation can also be major issues depending on the location of the room. Noise can be a problem if it is adjacent to normally busy spaces, such as meeting rooms, classrooms or patient rooms in hospitals. Spaces with sensitive equipment such as laboratories may require isolation from the vibrations produced by the equipment in a mechanical room. Choosing a location that isn’t adjacent to this room can often mitigate these issues. When an alternative location cannot be selected, additional equipment can be installed to limit noise and vibration.

There are a number of safety issues to consider when designing and maintaining a machine room. The room must be secured to prevent unauthorized tampering with the equipment inside. Physically isolating the room can prevent or slow the spread of a fire or explosion to other areas of the building. A manually operated shut-off switch or other shut-off device may be placed outside the mechanical room for emergency situations.

Exhaust vents carrying toxic fumes must be sufficiently separated from inlet vents to ensure that hazardous exhaust is not circulated into occupied spaces. Breathing equipment, an eyewash station, and a safety shower are typically placed within the room when hazardous chemicals such as coolant are present. Professional standards and local building codes may specify other safety features and procedures.

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