Membership representatives perform various tasks to develop and maintain an organization’s membership base, including sales and customer service roles. They may work for non-profit or for-profit organizations and are responsible for encouraging new and renewed memberships. They may also help members manage their memberships and ensure they receive benefits.
A membership representative performs a variety of tasks to develop and maintain an organization or business membership base. The duties of an association representative depend on the organization or company they work for, as each group has its own needs and staffing requirements. In some cases, this person may take on a sales role encouraging people to join the organization or renew their memberships. In other cases, the representative may act in a customer service capacity, helping members with difficulties they have in their associations, obtaining membership benefits, and answering questions about membership-related issues. In smaller organizations, a membership representative can take on both of these roles.
Many non-profit organizations, as well as for-profit companies, utilize a membership model. These organizations rely on individuals joining their group or purchasing a membership, as well as renewing those memberships. Types of organizations that use this model include health clubs, industrial and commercial organizations, and private social clubs. To encourage new and renewed memberships, the organization must also ensure that there are meaningful benefits to maintaining a membership and encourage members to make use of these benefits.
A membership representative’s sales role can take many different forms and can involve telephone prospecting as well as face-to-face interactions with potential members online, over the phone, or in person. For example, a health club representative might set up appointments with potential members to show them around the club and its facilities. A representative of a trade organization might work at an information booth at trade shows and conferences to encourage people to join the organization. Member representatives may be compensated with regular salaries and commissions on the memberships or renewals they sell. They may also feel that their continued employment depends on meeting or exceeding their organization’s goals for new and renewed memberships.
Other membership representative roles may involve helping people manage their memberships. For example, if a member moves, the representative can process the change of address for that member. If a member is having difficulty receiving benefits to which they are entitled, such as a publication subscription or a discount on products, the representative can act as a liaison between the member and the organization’s department to ensure that the member needs are addressed.