What’s a Metatag?

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Meta tags are lines of HTML code that contain information about a web page, including description and keyword tags. They inform web crawlers about the page and can help with search engine optimization, but not all crawlers pay attention to them. Using them alone is unlikely to keep people coming back to a website.

A meta tag is a line of HTML code that contains metadata about a web page. The information in the tag doesn’t change the look of the page; it will not be displayed by the website viewer, unless it is viewing the source code. There are two common types of meta tags: description meta tags and keyword meta tags.

Meta description tags describe the web page in some way. For example, for this wiseGEEK article page, we could use “everything you want to know about meta tags”. The meta keywords tag lists other words that a visitor might be looking for, such as meta tag, HTML and meta tag, tag, SEO.

Both types of tags are found in the header section of the HTML code and usually under the title. You may have the following header for your web page:

How to create a meta tag

The purpose of these tags is to inform web crawlers about your page. They existed before search engines, but today they are mainly used in terms of search engine optimization (SEO). Using them can help web crawlers index your pages more easily in search engines, but not all web crawlers or robots pay more attention to these tags. Some still do, and learning how to create a meta tag on every page can help promote higher visibility on some search engines and can increase the likelihood that your page will show up as a pick when people search under alternate but related names. your content.
Some web crawlers may ignore a meta description tag and replace it with their own. This is true for some of the biggest search engines like Google®. Smaller search engines may specifically use your description meta tag as a page description, so be sure of what you put there.
Content meta tags can also be ignored to some extent, especially if the words are not listed in the content. If you plan to optimize your search results, use all of the content tag words on your page at least once. These tags aren’t the only way to get a bigger web presence. Using your main keyword over and over again is very important. People tend not to get fooled by repetition of keywords. If your content isn’t well-written, accurate, and engaging, repeating a keyword and using meta tags alone is unlikely to keep people coming back to your website.

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