Minisites are small, single web pages that serve various purposes such as opt-in subscriptions, selling a single product, acting as affiliate pages, or generating income through pay-per-click advertising. They are cheap to purchase and host, and keyword repetition and a catchy domain name are important for accessibility. Success depends on the purpose and usage of the minisite.
A minisite or sitelet is a small site, usually a single web page, that provides many different functions. Some of these sites are simple “opt-in” subscriptions to newsletters or ezines. They present only a little information about the newsletter and can have a domain name that closely matches the name of the newsletter. Because they take up little space, they are often very cheap to purchase.
Another common type of minisite is one dedicated to selling a single product. Perhaps you have a great invention that you want to sell online. In essence, the minisite then functions as a sales letter to potential customers. It may feature some graphics, testimonials, product explanation, and ordering information. Alternatively this type of minisite could add an extra web page to cover the order form, but if you want to keep it really simple, you can only accept orders by phone or email.
Minisites can also act as affiliate pages. A single page with a catchy and commonly searchable domain name redirects people to a much larger website, or at least a section of it. When you have a website that features a lot of products, you may want to create a few minisites to build attention and interest in individual products.
You can also use a microsite as a quick Google advertising moneymaker. If you can write an article or two on a front page that has big money generating ads, and choose a domain name for the site that is likely to achieve high search engine rankings, you may have an excellent means of generating income with pay-per-click advertising. Also, once the site is up and running, you usually don’t have to do any kind of ongoing writing. The site wants to be small, contained and very specific.
There are a number of website companies that offer software on how to create minisites. In general, however, the most important part of making sitelets accessible is to use keyword repetition and choose a domain name that is likely to appear on the first page or two of search engines. Graphics shouldn’t overwhelm the site, although some graphics can help make a page attractive, because you want the site to load quickly and be accessible almost immediately.
The cost for hosting these sites is usually quite low. It could cost less than 30 US dollars (USD) a year to host more than one at the same time. Some people claim that it is instant earnings, but that really depends on the usage of the minisite and its purpose. Some sitelets generate revenue with pay per click ads or sell products quickly. Others aren’t as successful or take time to develop interest.