A moon bridge is a decorative pedestrian structure that is often placed over water, with a semi-circle shape that reflects the water in a full circle. It originated in Japan and is suitable for narrow waterways. There are two basic types of moon bridges, and they are popular in Asian garden styles.
A moon bridge, sometimes called a drum bridge, is a decorative pedestrian structure that is often placed over water, giving it the basic shape of a bridge. This type of bridge can be made from any number of materials and is defined not by how well it bears weight, but by the tall, rounded shape underneath the bridge. The semi-circle shape is designed so that when the water is under the bridge it reflects in a full circle, giving the appearance of a full moon or a drum. In many areas, this type of bridge is purely decorative, but the construction of a moon bridge was once an excellent way to allow boat traffic under the bridge and foot traffic above without requiring a gradual approach for the bridge.
Most people associate this type of bridge with Japan, where the design originated. It is a bridge design suitable for narrow waterways that might be found in canals or decorative gardens. In most cases, the rise and fall used to cross the bridge is quite steep, and therefore it is impractical to make this bridge too large. At times, the bridge is so steep that it must be climbed like a ladder using rungs attached to the bridge itself. This type of bridge is therefore often not wheelchair accessible and alternative arrangements have to be made.
There are two basic types of moon bridges relating to how the bridge is designed. A girder bridge design does not require long support on either side and can be created in the appropriate shape of an arch. Arched bridge versions of the moonbridge, on the other hand, require longer approaches to remain stable. Depending on the situation, both models may be appropriate.
In some cases, a bridge might have the distinctive semi-circle design of a moon bridge but not have the climbing appearance. To many people, these are still considered moon bridges due to their appearance. Others believe this design should be limited to those bridges that are very steep.
The visual effect of this bridge makes it a popular design for gardens, especially those with water or small paths. While most people associate this type of bridge with Japan, it is often found in other Asian garden styles as well. Depending on the decorations and embellishments used on the bridge, as well as the materials it is made from, a moon bridge can look very different from the traditional steep Japanese design.