The Pap smear is a gynecological screening used to detect precancerous and malignant cells in the cervix. The test is named after its inventor, Georgios Papanikolaou, and involves collecting cervical cells for examination. Abnormal results are not necessarily cancerous, and few side effects are involved.
Women depend on many different screenings to maintain their overall health and well-being. One such gynecological screening that most women indulge in is the Papanicolaou test, or Pap smear. The primary function of this test is to collect and process cells from the ectocervix, or neck of the cervix, and determine whether or not they are healthy.
Also known as a Pap smear, cervical smear, or cervical smear, a Papanicolaou smear is one of the best ways to prevent or diagnose cervical cancer. The test is used to detect the presence of both precancerous and malignant cells within the ectocervix. The test is named after the Greek doctor who invented it, Georgios Papanikolaou.
Before receiving a Papanicolaou smear, the patient is usually advised to schedule the procedure for a time when she will not be menstruating. Heavy bleeding can skew test results, obscuring the cells that need to be evaluated. A Pap smear can, however, be conducted during light bleeding.
During the exam, the patient will usually be expected to undress and put on a hospital gown. He will lie down on the cot, placing his feet in the stirrups attached to the cot. Your doctor will then insert a speculum, or plastic instrument, into your vagina to access your cervix. Then he will collect samples of cervical cells through the outer opening of the cervix with tools such as an Aylesbury spatula and an endocervical brush or broom with plastic fronds.
After the samples have been collected, the doctor will place them on a glass slide for processing. The samples will then be sent to your doctor’s laboratory for examination. Samples can be pre-screened by a computer to detect anomalies. If the cells require further study, they are sent to a lab technician for further investigation.
Lab technicians will stain the cells with a dye. This will allow him to see the cells clearly through a microscope. If Papanicolaou smear results are normal, no further action is needed. Abnormal results, which could indicate infection, cancer, or other possible problems, are reported to the patient’s doctor. Results considered abnormal are not necessarily malicious in nature.
Few side effects are involved following a Papanicolaou smear. During the examination, patients may feel slight pain, severe pain, or no pain at all. Some patients experience mild abdominal cramps similar to the discomfort they may experience during menstruation. Spotting or very light bleeding may also occur.