Paper cuts are small but painful injuries caused by paper or other thin materials such as aluminum foil or plastic. They affect multiple pain receptors and can trap foreign particles. Tightly bound paper is more likely to cause a paper cut, which can occur on any part of the body. To care for a paper cut, it’s best to keep it clean and protected from bacteria.
A paper cut is a wedge in a person’s skin caused by paper or an equally thin material. While these cuts are mostly caused by paper, aluminum foil, thin plastics, and packaging materials, they often inflict them as well. Boxes and cardboard can cause similar cuts, as can plastic sheets used to enclose toys, tools, and other small items that are offered for sale. These cuts are superficial and the surrounding skin tends to close quickly, which can lead to foreign particles being trapped inside the cut.
A paper cut is usually very small but surprisingly painful. This type of cut affects multiple pain receptors that are concentrated in one area. The pain is further prolonged by the fact that paper cuts usually don’t bleed much, if at all. Instead, the pain receptors remain exposed to the air and the sufferer experiences a longer period of pain than would be expected from such a small injury. Also, paper fibers and any chemicals used in the coating of the paper can cause further irritation.
It just doesn’t seem right that something as innocuous as a piece of paper could inflict so much pain. Usually, the paper is very soft and seems unlikely to cut. However, some pieces of paper are so thin that their edges are like razors. Also, some cards have a glossy coating. When sheets of glossy paper are cut very thin, they are particularly effective at causing paper cuts.
Some types of paper are more likely to cause a paper cut than others. Paper that is tightly bound together, such as in a brand new stack of paper, may be the most likely to cause a paper cut. This often happens when a sheet of paper moves even a little from the rest of the package. The other papers hold the dislocated paper in place, giving it stiffness enough to cut like a razor’s edge. Newspaper may be less likely to inflict a paper cut.
It’s worth noting that paper cuts can occur on any part of the body, although they most often occur on the fingertips. It seems that leather shouldn’t be so vulnerable to something as fragile as paper. After all, he stands up well enough to detect forces. However, the skin is more vulnerable to the shear forces that locate the stings.
To care for a paper cut, it’s best to keep it clean and protected from bacteria. It’s smart to wash it thoroughly, even though it might be painful, and cover it with an antibacterial ointment. Hydrogen peroxide can be used instead of antibacterial ointment. Once cleaned, it is best to cover the cut paper with a bandage. A drop of liquid bandage can work just as well.