What’s a parliamentarian’s role?

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Parliamentary can refer to a representative in a country’s parliament or a consultant providing advice on parliamentary procedures. Members of parliament propose and discuss new legislation, while parliamentary consultants help establish by-laws and advise on parliamentary procedure. Both professions have varying pay and benefits.

The term “parliamentary” can refer to two slightly different professions. One is a representative serving in a country’s parliament and the other is a consultant hired to provide advice on parliamentary procedures. The job descriptions for the two are quite different, and the type of parliamentarian under discussion is usually evident from the context.

Members of parliament, elected or appointed, are responsible for proposing and discussing new legislation, including repeal of previous legislation. As part of their job, they often belong to various committees concerned with individual issues, ranging from public safety to the environment. These committees can commission studies and discuss legislative actions among themselves before bringing the issue to the table. Parliamentarians can also make speeches on the floor and participate in debates when controversial topics are brought up for discussion or a vote.

The parliamentarian has a term of service defined by law. In some regions, it is possible to repeat service in parliament, sometimes indefinitely and sometimes only for a specific number of terms. Work also includes interacting with voters and providing advocacy and outreach services in local communities, such as helping voters access government benefits or assistance. Typically, a team is hired to provide assistance on the job.

A consultant on parliamentary procedures may work for a legislative body or provide assistance to other types of groups interested in using this procedure for rulemaking and meetings. The parliamentarian can help establish by-laws for a new group, decide disputes over procedure and advise people on how to use parliamentary procedure effectively and properly. This work requires extensive knowledge of the basic procedure, as well as its variants and historical precedents.

People who are members of parliamentary professional organizations have more rigorous training and have committed themselves to certain professional standards. They can be more desirable hires when consulting services are needed, and for this reason, many people who want to provide consulting services choose to join professional organizations. Membership generally requires passing the exam, paying a fee, and meeting continuing education requirements to maintain certification.

Members’ pay varies. Members of parliament generally receive relatively little pay for their work and have access to benefits ranging from car services to health care. Consultants can make varying salaries depending on the organizations they work for. A parliamentarian employed by the government to provide advisory assistance to the legislature and government agencies normally has access to government benefits like other employees in public service positions.

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