A patent emergency fee is a fee structure where an attorney takes a case in exchange for a percentage of the proceeds if successful. This can provide access to legal remedies for patent infringement for those with limited resources. Attorneys take a risk and may only accept cases with a strong chance of winning. In a patent contingency case, attorneys cover the costs of litigation upfront and are entitled to a share of the funds if successful. This fee structure can provide access to experienced attorneys for those with limited means. However, attorneys also run substantial risks and may not receive adequate compensation for their work.
A patent emergency fee is a patent litigation fee structure in which an attorney agrees to take a case in exchange for a percentage of the proceeds if the case is successful. For individuals with limited resources, this fee structure can provide access to legal remedies to address patent infringement. Lawyers take a risk when they do this and usually weigh a case very carefully before accepting it for an emergency fee. If they don’t feel the case has a strong chance of winning, they can only agree to represent it on a different fee structure, such as an upfront hourly rate or a blended rate, where some of the money is paid up front and some is paid on a contingency basis if chance wins.
In a patent contingency case, attorneys field the costs of litigation up front, including court filing fees, payments to appraisers, and money to pay their staff to do research or case preparation. Patent litigation is often extremely complex and this can consume considerable resources if the attorney wants to present a strong and solid case in court with a good chance of winning. Clients can be provided with statements to show what types of expenses have been incurred on their behalf so they have an idea of how much the case costs.
If the attorney wins the patent contingency fee case, when damages are awarded, the attorney is entitled to a share of the funds. The contingency fee agreement will state the percentage available to the attorney, and agreements can vary, with attorneys taking varying percentages depending on the complexity of the case and the anticipated amount of damages. The rest of the money goes to the customer.
For people looking to pursue patent litigation, a patent contingency fee can provide access to experienced attorneys with expertise in this area of law, giving you a better chance of succeeding in court. Small companies and inventors with limited means often don’t have funds available to pursue cases in court, especially if they’re suing a large company with deep pockets. Such companies may be able to successfully take a case in court if the plaintiff has limited resources.
Attorneys can make windfall gains from taking on a patent contingency fee case, but they also run substantial risks. It is possible to spend money and effort on a lawsuit that cannot be won, resulting in a net loss to the business. Damages can also be less than expected, potentially not providing adequate compensation for the lawyer’s work. Firms typically research cases before accepting them, and can vote among partners to decide whether firm resources should be dedicated to the case.