A pay as you go cell phone plan requires purchasing credit before use, with no monthly fee or contract. Users must periodically pay a minimum amount to keep their phone activated. Benefits include no credit card requirements and no monthly fees, but per-minute rates are typically more expensive and phones may have limited options.
A “pay as you go” cell phone plan is a plan where you must purchase a certain amount of credit before using the phone. This credit can be used until it expires or runs out, at which point the phone owner must purchase more. In most cases, this type of plan can be paid for in advance with any type of payment, and the credit can often be used to text and use the web, as well as voice calls. There are many advantages and disadvantages to using a pay as you go, which can vary depending on the user’s point of view. For example, some users may not like the idea of having to renew their credit regularly, but others prefer that control over their spending.
How paid plans work
Pay as you go plans work differently from most standard phone plans. For starters, there is no monthly fee or annual contract. Instead, in most plans, a phone and a certain amount of credit — usually a certain amount, such as $25 or $50 US Dollars (USD) — can be purchased from a courier, an electronics store, a discount or other suppliers. The credit is used to make calls and the rate per minute may vary depending on when calls are made. Additional credit can be purchased at many grocery and convenience stores or over the phone or online from the carrier.
Some paid plans are available with unlimited calling minutes for a daily rate. Every day the phone is used, this fee is deducted from the prepaid credit. Calls made on such a plan can typically be made at any time of day, with no difference in the amount of credit required; that is, while some plans may charge more per minute for calls made during business hours, an unlimited plan usually only charges the fixed rate. Some plans also include unlimited texting and web browsing.
As calls are made or credits are used in other ways, these credits are deducted from your available balance. If your balance reaches zero, you will need to purchase more minutes to make or receive additional calls. This is why it is called “pay as you go”.
For most plans, users must periodically pay a minimum amount, often every 30 or 90 days, to keep their phone activated and phone number current. If the user does not keep the account active, the phone may no longer be able to make or receive calls and the number may be disconnected, even if the user still has credit. As long as the required amount of new credit is purchased, the existing balance will usually roll over, so the credit will typically not be lost if it is not used. Users may have the option to register a credit card with the carrier to automatically charge as needed to avoid remembering to renew. Otherwise, users can “complete” the account at any time by purchasing more credits.
Phone options
Many phones for these plans are fairly basic and can include flip phones with large buttons and phones that may or may not have a camera and messaging capabilities. Some plans offer smartphones that allow you to send text messages, browse the Internet, take photos, and other features. Useful features like voicemail, caller ID, and call forwarding are usually all available with these phones.
Mobile phones from operators operating on the GSM standard include SIM cards, which are small integrated circuits that store all phone information. The mobile number, minutes and other owner information is tied to the card, not the phone. With pay as you go plans from these carriers, the SIM card can be removed from a phone and inserted into another compatible phone from the same carrier or from an unlocked phone that isn’t tied to any specific carrier, allowing for easy transfer of service.
Benefits of standard plans
In the United States, standard cell phone plans usually come with a mandatory one- to two-year contract, a credit card, a credit check, and a low monthly fee. Many plans include free weekends and evening calling, meaning calls made during this time don’t count towards the minutes allotted each month. You may also have options such as free calling to any other mobile phone using the same service or free calling to certain mobile numbers on other services. These plans are ideal for people who use their phones for more than 90 minutes a month, as the per-minute rate is usually less expensive than the paid rate. The phones available with these plans are usually the newest on the market.
Benefits of Pay as you go
Unlike standard plans, a salary plan doesn’t require a contract. There are also no credit card requirements and no monthly fees other than the cost of the credit. Free weekends and evenings might be offered for short periods as promotional campaigns, but as a general rule these plans tend to be very basic.
These plans are for popular people who only use their cell phone occasionally and therefore don’t need the charges of a standard plan. They are also useful for people who don’t have credit cards or who have variable incomes and who can’t always afford a regular monthly payment. Other users don’t want to be tied down to one carrier for an extended period, as is usually required by a contract, and want to have the freedom to try different plans without paying early termination fees.
Disadvantages of Pay as You Go
The per-minute rate of a current paid plan is typically more expensive than many traditional cell phone plans. Plus, there are often fewer benefits to the plan, such as calling other people with the same carrier for free. Phones on the cheapest plans usually have few options, so texting and web browsing may not be available. Just like any plan, users have to read the fine print for additional service charges, including roaming and international calls.
Since the credit usually expires every 1-3 months, users need to keep track of it or risk losing their phone service and cell phone number. This can be a particular problem for those who don’t use their cell phones frequently.