The Latin root “peccare” provides two English words with opposite meanings: impeccable and peccadillo. Peccadilloes are minor sins, while major offenses include adultery and theft. While some behaviors may be seen as pardonable, others should not be overlooked as they may escalate into more serious offenses.
The same Latin root, peccare or “to sin”, provides two English words with completely opposite meanings, impeccable and peccadillo. A person may be impeccably dressed or have an impeccable resume, meaning “without sin or offence,” but a peccadillo is a completely different matter. A peccadillo is literally a small sin, from the Spanish diminutive of the Latin verb peccare.
The concept of sin assumes a certain level of offense caused by a specific act or deed. Serious errors of moral judgment such as adultery, gambling or theft would be considered major offenses, while lesser offenses such as procrastination, flirtatious behavior or the use of profane language would be considered peccadilloes. The peccadilloes of an otherwise honorable person are often overlooked or forgiven in view of his general character.
There is often some controversy as to what exactly qualifies as a pardonable little sin and what should be considered an actionable character flaw. A spouse’s tendency to flirt with members of the opposite sex in public places could be seen as a sin, since the behavior is self-contained and the flirtations are relatively harmless. Habitual flirting with sexual undertones, however, would not be considered a minor sin, since the behavior is clearly offensive or immoral.
Most everyone has at least one little sin, even if they don’t choose to recognize it as such. Nervous habits like nail biting or hair pulling would be considered peccadilloes, as would cracking of knuckles or popping joints. Even the casual use of obscenity would be considered a sin, as the user is most likely aware of the “sinful” nature of the practice but does nothing to curb it. Many people choose to ignore or minimize the peccadilloes of others, as mildly abusive behavior does not reach the level of a public or private correction.
A sin may be considered relatively minor socially, but it can still be considered a character flaw that shouldn’t be overlooked or written off as simply a bad habit. Heavy drinking, for example, may be considered a sin because it is a legal act and the person takes responsibility for their actions. However, a peccadillo should never be allowed to escalate into a much more serious moral or social offense, such as chronic alcoholism or sexual, gambling or food addictions.