What’s a perception system?

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A perception system refers to biological and technological constructs related to perception, including the visual and auditory systems in humans and animals, as well as electronic systems that grant perception to computer systems. These systems rely on multiple components to deliver sensory information and can also be used to augment or correct human perception.

“Perception system” is a broad term that can refer to a variety of different concepts and constructs in biology and technology that relate to perception. The visual system, for example, is a human perception system that includes all components that are directly involved in providing visual information about one’s environment. It therefore includes all parts of the eyes and brain that are involved in visual perception. The term “perception system” is also used in various technological contexts to describe an electronic system intended to grant one or more forms of perception, usually to some type of computer system. A computer system, for example, may be able to receive and respond to auditory and visual input.

Humans and other animals have a variety of different sensory systems involving both the sense organs and the central nervous system. The visual system, for example, provides visual information about one’s environment while the auditory system, including the ears and various nerve pathways, provides information in the form of sound. These are all considered “systems” because they rely not only on the sense organs themselves or the brain itself, but on a variety of components. The entire perception system is required to deliver sensory information, not just a single component of the system.

The term “perception system” is also used to refer to technological systems that make use of one or more sources of sensory information. Some vehicles, for example, have vision systems that warn drivers of cars in blind spots or can park cars for the driver. Many telephones, computers and other electronic devices can respond to auditory commands and therefore must have auditory systems capable of receiving and processing those commands. Just like a system of human perception, a technological system tends to have at least two components. An electronic visual system, for example, must have a component such as a camera to receive visual inputs and another internal component or an integrated software system capable of processing the received visual information.

A perception system can also be a device used to augment or correct human perception. Various electronic devices allow humans to see in limited light or hear sounds that are normally too quiet to hear. There are also perception systems to help correct perception problems such as impaired vision or hearing. External devices, such as hearing aids or glasses, are quite common, and there is a lot of research promoting neurological correction of perception problems.

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