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Endearments are nouns used to express affection, including diminutive suffixes, shortened proper nouns, and seemingly unrelated words. They can be hurtful without true affection or in the wrong situation. Different languages use various syllables to imply smallness and affection. Proper nouns are often abbreviated as a term of endearment or nickname, with a possessive pronoun used in many languages. Some terms of tenderness derive from words with pleasant connotations, while others are less easily explained. Some people are offended if a stranger addresses them in similar terms, while others use endearments that seem offensive to strangers.

A term of endearment is a noun used to express affection for someone or something. Names or titles with a diminutive suffix, shortened forms of proper nouns, or seemingly unrelated words such as “duck” or “pumpkin” can all qualify as endearments. Without true affection or in the wrong situation, these words can be very hurtful.

Many different languages ​​attach various syllables to the ends of proper and improper nouns to imply smallness and, generally, affection. These are known as diminutive suffixes. For example, -(c)ito/-(c)ita is a type of diminutive suffix in Spanish, -chen or -lein in German, and -etto/-etta in Italian. English often uses the suffix -ie or -y, such as Willie and Johnny instead of William and John.

Proper nouns are abbreviated as a term of endearment or nickname in many languages. For example, a woman named Elizabeth might be known as Eliza, Liz, or Beth. Sometimes the name changes somewhat, as in Bess. Often a diminutive suffix is ​​also added to the shortened name, as in Lizzy and Betsy. Both shortened forms and words with diminutive suffixes are also called hypocorisms.

The possessive pronoun “my” is used in the beginning of many endearments in multiple languages. Examples include “my sweetheart” and “my darling” in English, as well as mon amour and ma chérie in French. Sometimes a term of endearment is simply “mine” followed by the type of relationship, such as “my husband” or “my wife.”

Some terms of tenderness obviously derive from words with pleasant connotations, such as “sweetness” or “sugar”, while others are less easily explained. A French term of endearment can include several animals, such as ma caille, which means “my quail.” Similarly, “pet” and “duck” are common in parts of England.

While close friends and family often enjoy shared endearments, some people are offended if a stranger addresses them in similar terms. Similarly, some social situations and business relationships prohibit the use of endearments. While a child might call a neighbor by a friendly nickname, it would not be appropriate for the same child to use that name for his or her teacher.

On the other hand, some people use a term of endearment that seems offensive to a stranger, even though both the speaker and the addressee find it endearing. An example, common in several Latin American countries, is the word viejito, or “little old man.” Others call their friends or children words like “parasite” or “trouble.”

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