A PET scan detects changes in the body at a cellular level, making it useful in detecting cancer, brain disorders, heart problems, and other conditions. A radioactive chemical is injected into a vein, absorbed by organs and tissues, and recorded by a scanner. PET is used in oncology and medical research, and is more expensive than conventional imaging tests.
A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is a special type of imaging test that allows medical professionals to see how certain tissues and organs function within the body. The most significant difference between a PET scan and other imaging tests, such as an MRI or CT scan, is the ability to detect changes in the body at a cellular level rather than after a disease has progressed enough to actually affect tissue or organs. surrounding organs. A scan can be useful in helping detect certain types of cancer, brain disorders, heart problems, and other central nervous system conditions.
A PET scan is done by injecting a small amount of a radioactive chemical into a vein. As the chemical travels through the body, it is absorbed by the organs and tissues. During the test, a scanner records the energy produced by the cells. A computer converts the recording into three-dimensional images of an area of the body, and any cells that are changing show up in brighter contrast than surrounding normal cells.
There is very little preparation involved before the procedure, and it is most often done on an outpatient basis. In general, most patients are simply given food or drink restrictions six to 12 hours before the test. Heart patients, diabetics, and other specific patients may receive a specific set of indications depending on the purpose of the scan. The test takes approximately two hours to complete.
PET scanning technology is used extensively in oncology as it helps stage and detect certain types of cancer including breast cancer, lymphoma, and some types of lung cancer. It is also used extensively in medical research.
Due in large part to the technology and equipment involved, this type of scan is considerably more expensive than conventional imaging tests, but most insurance plans will cover one if certain conditions apply. Before undergoing the scan, patients should check with their insurance company about benefits and coverage requirements.