A PID controller is a device used in control systems to regulate important variables. It can control multiple devices and uses an algorithm to prevent errors. It participates in a feedback loop and requires tuning. Its main advantage is little human interaction.
A proportional-integral-derivative controller, known as a PID controller for short, is a type of device often used in control systems. These systems control other devices or systems, and the PID controller helps regulate important variables within the control system. It can affect just one device or multiple devices at the same time. Typically, it is used in the industrial and manufacturing sectors.
To understand what the PID controller does and why it is such an advantage, an example from everyday life can be used. When a homeowner gets cold, he sets the thermostat for the heating unit in his home to the desired temperature. The temperature at which the house is currently located is known as the process variable. A variable is simply a factor, like the temperature in your home, that can change over time.
The ideal temperature that the homeowner has set the thermostat to is known as the setpoint. The process variable and setpoint can be the same at any given time. If the current house temperature is at the desired temperature, they would be the same. Unlike the setpoint, however, the process variable can change. This happens when the house gets too hot or too cold.
These two terms, the process variable and the setpoint, are the same terms used to express the operation of a PID controller. The controller is set up to control a variable, whether it’s temperature or a different aspect of the system it has control over. The controller tries to find the best solution to keep this variable at the desired setpoint.
There are differences between the PID controller and normal controllers in the way they work. The PID controller uses an advanced formula to try to prevent errors from occurring. This ensures that the controlled devices or systems work as flawlessly as possible.
This type of formula is known as an algorithm. An algorithm directs actions based on what is happening. The algorithm would have specific indications on how to react to certain changes. It’s similar to a magazine quiz that asks questions and then uses arrows to direct the reader to the next question based on their response to the previous question. In this way, an algorithm is a series of different procedures that can be followed or modified based on what the device receiving the orders is doing.
Finally, the PID controller participates in a feedback loop. Information is sent from the controller, received from the devices, and information from the devices is sent to the controller. The controller then makes a decision on how to proceed based on the information he receives and sends it, creating a continuous loop.
One main advantage stands out from the others when using a PID controller. It can control various systems or devices with little human interaction. This not only allows workers to focus on other tasks, but also allows many processes to run concurrently. The downside to this method comes from the fact that the controller needs to be tuned, meaning the instructions that tell it what to do need to be changed, to keep it working. To do this, advanced knowledge of setting up this type of controller is required to avoid errors.