A podcast is an audio or video file available on the web through syndication services. Its presence as a syndicated format allows automatic downloads of new episodes. The name comes from iPod and broadcast, and podcasts can cover any topic. They differ from traditional recorded files due to delivery systems and infrastructure. Video podcasts are also becoming popular.
A podcast is simply a name for an audio or video file that is available on the web through some sort of syndication service. Strictly speaking, the files, format and content of a podcast are no different from any other video or audio file that might be made available on the web, via a stream or download. What makes a podcast different from these other files is that its presence as a syndicated format means that programs created to collect syndication feeds can automatically download a new podcast that a user has subscribed to, immediately when it becomes available.
The podcast name comes from the combination of the iPod trademark and the word broadcast. The iPod was one of the first portable audio players to integrate a system for downloading a podcast from a computer once it was downloaded. Many people believe that the iPod was the vehicle that propelled podcasting to the forefront of people’s consciousness, causing the current podcasting boom that has allowed so many other devices to thrive. Now that many devices other than the iPod are capable of handling podcasts, many people have reformed the origin of the term to instead stand for Portable On Demand BroadCAST.
The content of a podcast can be pretty much anything. For the most part, podcasts act as Internet radio programs, which people can download to their computer to listen to, or they can transfer to a portable audio device for listening. These shows often focus on very specific areas of interest, as they can reach specialized audiences. It’s becoming increasingly common for traditional radio shows to offer episodes of their show in a podcast format, both for listeners who missed the show on the air, and to reach a whole new audience.
What differentiates a podcast from a recorded file traditionally placed on a website is the delivery system and the infrastructure dedicated to helping people find what interests them. There are central podcast repositories, where users can browse huge numbers of podcasts by subject area and see what other people think, how many subscribers they have, and how they are rated. This allows users to make an informed decision about what kind of podcast they might want to listen to.
Once they choose a podcast that captures their interest, the user can then stay up to date seamlessly. Rather than having to periodically check the website, they can simply sign up through any number of podcast subscription programs, often referred to as podcatchers, and have new podcasts automatically downloaded as they become available, and then receive confirmation. While a seemingly simple innovation, this distribution system revolutionized the way people listen to radio on their computers and created an entire growing industry.
In addition to audio, people have started making video podcasts. Like a regular podcast, the key difference between a video podcast and regular streaming or downloadable video is the delivery system. Creators can create a weekly or monthly video podcast, which subscribers will automatically receive as soon as it’s released, allowing users to treat it more like a favorite TV show than other Internet content.