The pope is the bishop of Rome and spiritual head of the Roman Catholic Church, always male and an expert in theological doctrine. The office has existed for over a thousand years and has been marked by violence and scandals. For Catholics, the pope is the head of their Church and his words are morally infallible. In modern times, the pope is seen as a spiritual leader and is elected by a college of cardinals. The current pope is Benedict XVI, the 265th person to hold the position.
A pope is the bishop of Rome and the spiritual head of the Roman Catholic Church. He is the head of the independent and sovereign state of Vatican City. The person who holds the office of pope is always a male, even if there are rumors to the contrary, a priest who has risen in rank to the rank of cardinal, an expert in theological doctrine and dogma. Historically, with one or two likely exceptions, the pope has always been white: there were three popes from Africa, but their races are not certain). The faithful consider him the successor of an office originating from Saint Peter himself, one of the twelve apostles of Christ.
The office of pope has existed for more than a thousand years. The power he wielded has waxed and waned as the needs and beliefs of the people he rules have changed. In its early centuries, popes crowned kings and emperors and were heavily involved in the politics of the time, even to the point of validating wars and other forms of social unrest. For a while the pope also argued that the office of him should be the head of the entire Western civilization. Over the centuries, the papacy has been marked by violence, scandals and even murders.
For Catholics, the pope represents a number of things. He is the head of their Church, and therefore it is held almost as if he were above the law of man. His words should be morally infallible. He is also considered the Vicar of Christ; the center of Christianity and the overseer of all religious matters, including canonization of saints, beatification of the blessed, revision/clarification of doctrine, etc. Any change in Catholicism’s theology must first be verified and judged by the pope. His words, at least in matters of faith, are always definitive.
In modern times, the pope’s role in the world has been more divine than practical. He is seen as a spiritual leader rather than a religious monarch, although he still wields quite a significant influence on the morality of millions of Catholics around the world. He is elected by a college of cardinals and receives the office of the papacy until his death. Popes of recent memory include the late Pope John Paul II and the current Pope Benedict XVI. Pope Benedict is the 265th person to hold the position.