Port-wine stains are birthmarks caused by unusual blood vessel growth, sometimes indicating an underlying condition. They can be treated with lasers or surgery, but may also be embraced as a visible sign of difference. About one in 500 babies is born with a port-wine stain.
A port-wine stain is a type of congenital birthmark caused by a vascular malformation, meaning it’s the result of unusual blood vessel growth. Port-wine stains are sometimes also referred to as “naevus flammeus”. Depending on the location of a port-wine stain, it can be perfectly harmless or it can lead to complications later in life. In some cases, the birthmark is also a sign of a more serious underlying condition that needs to be addressed.
These birthmarks are a form of hemangioma, a mass of blood vessels that grow close to the skin, causing a dark lump to appear. In childhood, a port-wine stain is often very thin, appearing as a vague area of discoloration, but the birthmark darkens with age, often becoming a deep red or purple, like the port-wine for which it is named. In some cases, a port-wine stain can even become rough or bumpy, in which case steps can be taken to reduce or remove it.
The best treatment for port-wine stains appears to be lasers, which can be very effective, especially when performed on a young person. The darker the spot, the less effective the laser appears to be. Port-wine stains can also be removed surgically, although this is generally reserved for particularly nasty port-wine stains, as it requires a great deal of painstaking work. If left alone, a port-wine stain will simply grow with the body, getting darker with time; in some cases, it can impair the function of the facial muscles, although this is relatively rare.
Some people find port-wine stains to be unsightly, and especially large stains can certainly attract attention, especially since this birthmark is commonly found on the face. For someone with a port-wine stain, the birthmark can feel disfiguring or lead to discomfort in social situations. For this reason, some people choose to continue treatment in order to have a more conventional look. Others may choose to embrace abnormality as a visible sign of their differences from others.
About one in 500 babies is born with a port-wine stain, and sometimes the birthmark is so subtle that it takes a few months or years to show up in a noticeable form. It’s important to evaluate any birthmarks, to make sure they aren’t symptoms of a condition that may need treatment. Likewise, any dramatic change in the appearance of a port-wine stain is grounds for seeing a doctor, as should be any abrupt change in the skin.