A possession card is a recommendation submitted to a possession committee for permanent employment, usually solicited by leaders in the candidate’s field. The posse system provides certain professors with permanent job contracts to protect academic freedom. The posse committee reviews the candidate’s candidacy and solicits possession papers to determine their potential to contribute to the field. The content of the possession paper can make or break the offer of a permanent job.
A possession card is an external recommendation card that is submitted to a possession committee and is offered by a member of the teaching staff for permanent employment. The paper may be given by a subordinate, colleague or superior, depending on the information solicited by the posse comitê, but generally it is solicited by leaders in the candidate’s field of study, who are solicited to comment on the candidate’s potential to obtain positive results. contribution to the basis of field knowledge.
A posse is the employment system that provides certain professors of faculties and universities with permanent job contracts. The system was designed to protect academic freedom according to the theory of those professors who are not happy with the loss of their work will be books to adopt all the points of view in researching and publishing, and not only the most popular. Not all members of the faculty are elected for a posse. Only those contracted in possession of cargo may be considered and only some years later in conditional freedom. After the faculty member has completed the necessary probationary period, a posse committee reviews his candidacy and makes a recommendation regarding the offer or non-permanent contract.
Part of the process of reviewing the ownership committee is to solicit ownership papers. The committee first decides which type of criterion it procures to substanciar. For example, the poderia committee is providing an endorsement of the fishing potential, colegialidade or perspicácia de ensino of the candidate. The type of proof needed will determine the people appropriated to send a card of possession in favor of the candidate. A charter of posse poderia could be easily solicited from a former student as well as from a former employer.
A posse community is normally concerned with the potential candidate to contribute to a fish base in its chosen field. In this case, solicitariam-se cartas de posse de professors proeminentes da área, a quem o candidate deveria ter motives para conhecer apos anos de trabalho na mesma área. Hope that any cards you receive contain a brilliant review of the candidate’s potential.
Normally, we solicit the candidate to have a list of possible recommenders that each one write an effective card of possession. In continuation, the president of the comitê de posse will enter into direct contact with the pessoas on the list or the candidate will be able to do so by requesting his own recommenders. In any two cases, the content of the paper of possession can make or quebrate the offer of a candidate for a permanent job.