Power rating measures the maximum power a device can handle safely. It is expressed in watts or volt-amperes and is determined by factors such as heat production and cooling. Devices that transform or move electricity also require a power rating.
A power rating is a measure of the maximum amount of power that can be used with a specific tool or device. It is provided to ensure user safety and to prevent damage to the instrument or device. Typically, the rating provided by the manufacturer is slightly lower than the actual maximum level to provide additional security.
Typically, a device’s power rating is expressed in watts when it represents actual power. The perceived power, however, is expressed in volt-amperes. In the case of large power systems, watts and volt-amperes may be expressed as a system rating per unit.
For devices that transform electricity into mechanical power or dissipate power, the power rating is a measure of how much they can safely dissipate. Examples of these devices include motors, resistors and speakers. The power rating of these devices is usually determined by the amount of heat created by the electrical energy, as the heat created will damage the device if it reaches a certain level. This is especially true for speakers.
Many factors combine to determine the nominal power based on the heat production. These include the maximum temperature at which the device can operate safely and the temperature range at which the device will operate under normal conditions. The method of cooling the device is also taken into account. Because of this, a device may have a different rating for various types of cooling systems, such as water cooling and air cooling.
Devices that convert electricity into various forms, such as transformers, or that move it from place to place, such as transmission lines, also require a power rating. In these cases, the rating is a measure of the maximum power that can safely move through the device. As with devices that dissipate power, those that allow electricity to flow will be damaged if too much power is used.
Heat is also a key factor in determining the power rating of devices such as transformers. The formula used by engineers to determine the power rating for these types of devices, however, is different from that used for those that dissipate electricity. This is because the power converted by the device is not directly related to the amount of heat dissipated.