Prewriting is the process of generating ideas and organizing thoughts before writing. Common methods include free writing, brainstorming, idea maps, and asking questions. The best method depends on the writer’s preferences and the scope of the project.
Prewriting is the process of generating ideas and potential content for a piece of writing, before starting the actual writing process for the work. Someone writing a report for a class, for example, might start by first sitting down and gathering their ideas on the subject and writing them down to create a plan for the paper. There are many different strategies and methods used when writing, although they are all generally used to create and organize the writer’s thoughts on a page. Common methods include free writing, brainstorming, using idea maps or clustering, and asking questions about the topic.
The prewriting process typically occurs before writing begins, although false starts in the writing process can lead to continued use of similar activities. Different methods can be used to generate ideas for a writing project, and the best method usually depends on the writer’s preferences. The scope and nature of a person’s written work may also affect the type of prescribing activity that is best in a given case.
One of the most common types of writing business is referred to as freewriting. In this process, a person sits down at a computer or pencil and paper and begins to write. Initial ideas don’t have to be about the topic he needs to write about, and the first few lines can be little more than “I’m writing about the fact that I’m writing. I should write about the Emancipation Proclamation, but I don’t know what to write.” This type of free writing is used to help someone start writing, get their pencil moving, and start shifting their thoughts into the right frame of mind for writing.
Brainstorming is a common form of prewriting in which a person begins listing or writing down various ideas and words that seem important to a particular topic. These words aren’t always directly usable in the final paper, but they can help someone start thinking about what’s useful. Rather than simply listing words, or after initial brainstorming, someone can also use idea maps or groupings to organize these ideas. Prescribing that includes such methods allows a person to organize their thoughts more cohesively, which can make their use in the actual writing process easier or more effective.
Someone can also ask questions about the topic they are writing about before starting the writing process. This can help the writer identify questions that should be answered in the written work, as well as generate ideas on where to begin the research. The easiest questions to start with are often the “5Ws and a H” of “who”, “what”, “when”, “why” and “where” along with “how”. Other questions may be more specific in nature, depending on the topic, and all of this can be used as a framework for developing the full document.